Being a marketing manager is not an easy job; they must shoulder a variety of duties. They are in charge of the product’s marketing. Often, establishing a strong market presence for a company’s goods and services. A Marketing Manager is also responsible for developing tactics and business advertising plans while keeping the company’s social responsibility in mind.
Let us look at the Marketing Manager Career Path!
Who is marketing manager?
A marketing manager is someone who develops and executes marketing strategies for a business in order to meet the brand’s image and objectives. He is in charge of developing marketing and publicity strategy budgets, submitting them for approval, participating in negotiations, collaborating with advertising agencies, and preparing sales and advertising contracts. The marketing manager frequently examines promotional materials such as television commercials, print advertisements, and web ads.
What does a marketing manager do?
What a marketing manager does is determined by the company’s scale, organisational structure, and priorities. A marketing manager is typically in charge of planning, implementing, and reporting on marketing campaigns.
A marketing manager may be assigned to a particular product line or brand, or they may be in charge of all marketing and advertisement for the organisation. Marketing managers spend their days coming up with fresh promotional strategies, coordinating with other departments, and monitoring current campaigns. This position also entails ensuring that the marketing team meets deadlines and achieves its objectives. As a result, delegating assignments and taking corrective steps when a project begins to go in the wrong direction is a part of the work.
Marketing managers must also keep up with the latest market developments, evaluate data, and come up with new ideas on a regular basis. You could be writing marketing copy one day, spearheading a new marketing plan the next, and sifting through data to spot trends the next.
Different Marketing Careers
Some of the marketing careers you can aim and achieve role of a marketing manager are –
Marketing communications is a multi-disciplinary practices that incorporates an organization’s core marketing functions with tasks such as public relations, advertisement, and brand promotion. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the work, marketing communications (Marcom) practitioners need a diverse set of skills. Create marketing strategies, be involved in or oversee the design of logos, promotional material for blogs, social media, arrange trade shows, corporate and consumer events, manage the marketing budget, evolve the layout and presentation of communications and email promotions, create press releases, and schedule press meetings
Digital Marketing
To put it another way, digital marketing career development entails promoting products and services through digital or electronic platforms. Websites, social media, emailing, tweeting, television and radio stations, smartphone apps, and hoardings are all examples. When technology becomes an inseparable part of people’s lives, the digital medium can no longer be ignored by the industry. Although the digital space is becoming increasingly crowded, content, cross-platform marketing, mobile, data, and personalization will continue to be the most popular trends in 2016. Experts say that content is no longer limited to words and images, and that content marketers must rethink their conceptions of content in light of the exponential growth of video streaming.
Social Media Marketing
The social media landscape is now establishing itself as an effective forum for the industry, especially B2C. (B2C). According to Ayaz Nanji of, the auto industry has seen the most engaged social media interaction. According to the TrackMaven study, other verticals seeing rapid growth in social media interaction include CPG, entertainment, food, hospitality, insurance, restaurant, retail, and telco/cable.
SEO Marketing
The word “search engine optimization” (SEO) refers to the process of increasing website traffic. It entails programming skills, the use of keywords, tags, names, and page descriptions, as well as page loading time and feature placement. According to a study from Conductor, the value of SEO employment in an organisation can be gauged by the average double-digit growth in salaries for this group since 2012. According to the survey, starting salaries for SEO professionals have increased by 17% since 2012, with marketing managers/SEO managers seeing the largest pay rise of 26%.
How can you start your career as Marketing Manager?
It is very much important to have a decent beginning with proper assets and learning material to be acceptable at something. Therefore, you initial steps towards learning must be apt in order to be pro in this field. Let look at some steps that you can take in order to begin your learning process –
Step 1 – Learn about the basics and Develop Conceptual understanding
Before you can become an expert in those areas, you must first create a solid base. And before you get to the practical labs, you’ll need to have the right applied skills. Everyone starts somewhere. If you want to have a good career in this area, you must start tiny. To obtain a complete understanding of the definition, you can consult the following resources:
- Firstly, Online Tutorials for Marketing
- Also, Certification Courses from verified sources such as Vskills, Coursera, Udemy and so on.
- In addition, Online communities
- Moreover, Blogs and study material from experts in this field and many more.
Vskills also provide Online tutorials, certification courses and free practice tests for the same. You can check them out on our official site.
Step 2 – Practice Mini Projects
It is important to practice if you want to land in a good place. It’s also a great way to figure out where you are when it comes to putting your expertise into practice. Experience can help you outlast other things in practical aspects such as the application of Marketing concepts in projects. You can complement your learning by reading blogs and tutorials on various websites to better understand the practical aspects.
Step 3 – Build Your Portfolio
Building a portfolio will help you build confidence in your abilities while also providing you with a forum to put what you’ve learned into effect. Your portfolio demonstrates your ability to execute and plan different codes, as well as how well you execute your Marketing Management skills. These activities should involve a number of datasets and leave readers with fascinating tidbits of information that you’ve gathered. Your portfolio doesn’t have to be about a single subject; find subjects that attract you, and figure out how to bring them together.
Step 4 – Implement your skills in Real world
It’s important to put your skills into practice and that’s why you’ve spent so much time learning how to do it exactly! It’s also important that you remain current and continue to work on and develop your own abilities. Some specialized courses can also demonstrate that you have advanced skills. You are invited to attend as well. The following are some examples of how you can develop your skills:
- Freelancing
- Internships
- Apprenticeship programs
The above steps will help you to get this domain started. It’s a long way to go, however. You can take an advanced course to reach a new level of skills.
Market Demand
The following are some of the most well-known marketing recruitment firms –
- Proctor & Gamble
- Unilever
- PepsiCo
- Coca-Cola
- American Express
- General Mills
- Apple
- Amazon
- Starbucks
Average Salary
Salary of the marketing manager will vary depending on the company, you are applying for a job. The salary offered to the candidates will depend on the experience and job profile of the candidate.
Profile | Starting Salary per annum (in INR) | Mid Level Salary per annum (in INR) | Senior Level Salary per annum (INR) |
Marketing Manager | 2,94,000 | 7,12,000 | 20,00,000 |
Brand Marketing Manager | 3,95,000 | 10,00,000 | 30,00,000 |
Senior Marketing Manager | 4,52,000 | 10,00,000 | 30,00,000 |
Sales and Marketing Manager | 2,71,000 | 5,98,000 | 10,00,000 |
Digital Marketing Manager | 2,18,000 | 5,16,000 | 10,00,000 |
As can be seen from the latest marketing job opportunities, they all have a few things in common: they are complex, multi-disciplinary, new and creative, and they include the use of technology, communication tools, and the creation of appropriate, high-quality content. The convergence of data, analytics, social media development, video streaming, blogging, mobile internet, and apps has resulted in the creation of many new jobs or functions.
Discover the career opportunities in the field of Marketing Manager. Hurry up and start preparing now!