Government-to- Government (G2G) Case Studies

G2G are projects wherein the government automates and makes it’s own functioning easier to manage, effective and hence, efficient thus, it usually includes automation of treasury, accounts and government records.


Information Technology is slowly metamorphosing the social, economical and political life of the citizens in India and e-Governance is fast catching up. In the last few years, Government of India has accorded highest priority to e-Governance initiatives being undertaken. ICT innovations and its implementations are rapidly changing the methods of performance of our day-to-day functions. The Government is working on various facets of e-Governance, with the main objective of bringing Government closer to citizens and making it more transparent and approachable. In this regard, a few Monitoring Information Systems (MIS) have been designed, developed and implemented by NIC Cell at Planning Commission. ‘IAPMIS’ is one of the successful projects that has been appreciated by the Planning Commission.

The issue of development deficit in tribal districts including those subject to Left Wing Extremism has been a matter of concern. In order to bridge the development deficit in the districts affected by Left Wing Extremism, Government of India approved an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) on 25.11.2010 for 60 selected tribal and backward districts in 9 States with a block grant of Rs.25 crore and Rs.30 crore per district for 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively. Subsequently the program was extended to 18 more districts making total number of districts covered under this scheme to 78 of the nine States and to these also Rs.30 crore was released during 2011-12. Under this Programme untied funds are extended at the district level providing a flexibility to take up public infrastructure works such as school buildings, Anganwadi centres, Primary Health Centres, drinking water supply, village roads, electric lights in public places etc.


To facilitate quick decision-making, it was decided to establish a web-based application to monitor and manage various GoI Flagship programmes pertaining to 78 selected tribal and backward districts so as to benefit a common man and in turn it will help to control left-wing extremism. Planning Commission entrusted the job of designing, developing and implementing a management tool to NIC – Planning Commission Unit so as to monitor the fund flow to these LWE districts so as to review the physical and financial performance of activities of development work periodically.

Macro level monitoring of IAP is to be carried out by the Committee headed by the Member Secretary, Planning Commission. The web-based MIS application has been developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 at front-end and SQL Server 2005 at back-end.

Current Status & Coverage:

NIC – Planning Commission Unit has developed a web-based software application – MIS for ‘Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for 78 Selected Tribal and Backward Districts pertaining to 9 States i.e. ( and has been implemented successfully since inception. It is gradually being made exhaustive one with adding more and more information. It is being used widely for updating the performance of eleven major flagship programmes as well as to monitor the utilization of fund allocated per district @ Rs.25 crore during the financial year 2010-11 and @ Rs.30 crore during 2011-12 as first and second installment respectively. Thus the monitoring system was developed for Planning Commission to monitor monthly progress of the schemes/projects with a grant of Rs.55 crore during 2010-12. In the current financial year also, each of these 78 districts will be provided an additional allocation of Rs.30 crore during 2012-13.

As on date, this national level project is being monitored at highest level by the Planning Commission in which District Magistrates (DMs) / Collectors of 78 districts and Chief Secretaries of these 9 States have video conferencing sessions from their locations with the Planning Commission. Physical & Financial progress of all flagship schemes and utilization of development expenditure is monitored by the officials of the Planning Commission and other Central Ministries using VC session over NICNET.

System can be invoked with role based authentication. There are three different types of user interfaces depending of the privilege of the user-id. There are three types of users defined in the MIS with pre-defined roles. Districts, state and scheme users can update the information online from their respective districts.

Implementation & Utilization :

The application is implemented and input is updated online from 78 Districts locations every month. Almost every month Member Secretary, Planning Commission takes a review meeting to monitor the performance using Video Conferences System over secured NICNET of NIC at Planning Commission with the Chief Secretaries and their subordinate officials of these 9 States along-with Collectors/District Magistrates from 78 IAP districts locations. Eleven flagship schemes being monitored are as follow

  • Supplementary Nutrition (ICDS)
  • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
  • Road Connectivity (PMGSY)
  • Housing (Indira Awas Yojana)
  • Health (NRHM)
  • Electrification (PMGSY)
  • Drinking Water Supply (DWS)
  • Ashram Schools
  • Forests Right Act
  • National Highways/State Highways

Many Video Conferences have been chaired by Hon’ble Home Minister and Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and they have interacted with DMs/Collectors of 78 districts and nine Chief Secretaries from the Planning Commission.

This program helps in knowing what the grass-root realities are and how our programs need to be monitored and modified in order to bring them in line with the aspiration of our people in these selected backward and tribal districts.

Sankhyikiya Patrika- Uttar Pradesh

Internet based Data Entry and Retrieval (SPIDER). Sankhyikiya Patrika (SP) is an important annual publication of Economics & Statistics Division (ESD). Publication of SP is being done through web based software, SPIDER ( Internet Based Data Entry and Retrieval System) from the year 2004 and afterwards . A query system based on SP is also available through which villages, blocks and districts.

The National Statistical System should assist the various developmental agencies in this challenging Endeavour. The recent advances in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in compilation, storage, transmission and analysis of data should be fully exploited in the proper understanding of the conditions at the local level and programs for social upliftment, health care facilities, educational opportunity and general development should be appropriately designed, implemented and monitored. A decentralized statistical system already exists in India. Data flows from grassroots level (village/village panchayat) to community development block (CDB) level and tehsil level and from there to district and state/national levels and vice-versa. There is a village proforma (VP) having information of all the 97942 inhabited villages, updated annually and are maintained in all the 820 CDBs of the state since the year 1973.

At the district and division levels there are Sankhyikiya Patrika (SP), updated and published annually. The SP has information on more than 3500 parameters of Village, CDB, District (Rural & Urban) and Division levels in the form of more than 100 tables, since the year 1976. It covers major sectors like Agriculture and Allied Activities, Industry, Social Sector, Power, Transport and Communication, Banking, Urban Facilities, Rural Infrastructural Facilities etc. There are 15 sections in VP covering information on Introductory details of Village, Population Census, Livestock Census, Agricultural Census, Educational Facilities, Medical & Health Facilities, and other facilities of the Village and different economic information

Objectives – Internet based Data Entry & Retrieval (SPIDER) System has been conceptualized to meet the following objectives

  • Computerization of SP
  • Standardization of SP formats at village, village panchayat, block, district, and division and state levels.
  • Creation of Small Area Databases (SAD) to fulfill the objectives of the 73rd and 74th Amendments.
  • Conversion of SP data in database form.
  • Compilation, checking & updation of data at the grassroots level.
  • Increasing the consistency and accuracy in the data.
  • Reducing the time lag.
  • Increasing the cost efficiency.
  • To make the planning system transparent at all the levels.
  • Integration of databases at different levels.
  • Development of a Bilingual Unicode compliant SP Portal.
  • Increasing the accessibility of data on 24×7 basis from any where by the citizens, planners, policy makers, administrators, researchers, institutions, universities, government departments, international agencies, NGOs, etc.
  • Integrating the databases from all the States/UTs, a National Level Database (NLD) can be created as envisaged by National Statistical Commission (NSC), 2001.
  • Development of computerized decision support systems for planning purposes.
  • By integrating spatial & non-spatial, SP databases and adopting GIS techniques, decentralized planning process can be accelerated.
  • A Data Warehouse (DW) based on SP databases can be created and by applying data mining tools planning process can be improved.

Services – The major services provided of Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) of Planning Department, GoUP (Government of Uttar Pradesh) are

  • Conducting sample surveys in collaboration with the NSSO on various socio-economic aspects and on other subjects of interest for the GoUP. The primary data through these surveys are collected and supervised by the field agency under the overall supervision of the state headquarters.
  • Collection, compilation, tabulation and publication of data under Annual Survey of Industries from the factories registered under the Factories Act. 1948 in collaboration with the NSSO.
  • Collection of industrial production data from selected registered factories and computation of the Industrial Production.
  • Yearly collection of data relating to income and expenditure of Local Bodies in the State.
  • To conduct economic census and the follow up surveys in collaboration with CSO from time to time.
  • Preparation of the estimates of State Domestic Product. The work relating to preparation of estimates of income for rural and urban areas separately has been started.
  • Preparation of the estimates of district domestic net output of the commodity producing sectors.
  • Preparation and publication of CDB, District and Divisional SP.
  • Preparation of the State Economic Review on annual basis.
  • To function as a clearing house of important statistics being collected and maintained by different departments before their publication.
  • To supply statistical data and information to CSO, Government Departments, Semi-Government Organizations, NGOs and other agencies.
  • Consistent, accurate, current and up-to-date information dissemination through the Bilingual Unicode compliant SP Portal on 24X7 basis.

In manual system all the data were typed every year, which increases errors, workload and reduces the accuracy of information. A software using, Foxbase+ & XENIX platform was developed and tested on Moradabad district/division. This software was used for preparing SP 1994-1997. Subsequently software was converted in Visual FoxPro & Windows environment. These systems were networked with the NICNET. SP databases were collected at NIC-UP from all the districts, checked thoroughly and converted into SQL Server. Web-enabled software for access of SP databases was developed using Active Server Page (ASP) technology and SQL server at the backend. The core objective of this application was to make available the information dynamically to citizens on 24×7 bases from any where.

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