Information E-filing

E-filing of information has been implemented in various e-Governance projects as by Ministry of Company Affairs and Income Tax department.

MCA 21 e-filing details

In order to carry out e-filing on MCA21 you have facility to download the eform and fill it in an offline mode. Every form has the facility to pre-fill the data available in MCA21 system. Once the e-form is filled you would need to validate the e-form using Pre-scrutiny button. You would then have to affix the relevant digital signatures and save the form. You would need to be connected to the internet to carry out the pre-fill and pre-scrutiny functions. The step by step process is given below. The filled up e-form as per relevant instruction kit needs to be uploaded on the MCA21 portal.

IT Department e-filing

e-Filing has been made compulsory for the person who is an Individual or a Hindu Undivided Family, if his or its total income, or the total income in respect of which he is or it is assessable under the Act during the previous year, exceeds ten lakh rupees for AY 2012-13 onwards.

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