Induction and integration system involves training to newly employed employee in the organization. It is a process whereby an attempt is made to familiarize and integrate newly employed person with the organization. Points to be noted while auditing the system are:
Existence of a system or a process
- Formal and standardized induction system and policy at all levels.
- Formal integration system for those who come from outside at senior level.
- Induction process aiming into business, function, organization, role and team.
- Well documented system.
Comprehensive coverage of different categories
- Induction at all levels and all categories. Coverage of:
- Freshers from college/University.
- Promotees from within the organizations.
- Transferees and job rotated candidates.
- External appointees.
Comprehensive coverage of content
- Induction and integration dimensions
- Business area.
- Organization structure.
- Vision, mission, values and goals.
- Products/services.
- Customers & markets.
- Procedures & procedures.
- Policies
Appropriate and effective methodologies
- Based on principles of integration, assimilation and psychological contract.
- Use of role analysis, competency maps etc.
- Sensitive to the dilemmas of new entrants.
- Well designed program.
- Informal/social get-togethers etc.
Implemented seriously
- High commitment to induction program by:
- HR department.
- Top management.
- HODs
- Candidate
Results in tangible outcomes and fast integration:
- Helps in fast settle-down and start contribution.
- Linked to development, engagement, retention and satisfaction of employee.
Auditing Methods and Techniques for induction and integration
- New entrants (fresher): To ascertain
- Level of clarity at the end of induction.
- Awareness regarding organization, products, markets, values, structure, policies etc.
- New entrants at senior/middle level: (Who joined from other organization)
- Time taken to settle down.
- Issues faced etc.
- HR staff: To know about:
- Induction process and policy.
- Difficulties faced by new entrants.
- Their role in induction.
- Top management/line managers/ HODs:
- To ascertain their level of clarity on induction program.
Records/ Secondary Data:
- Manuals
- Policy statements
- Training material
- Induction kits etc.
- Observing actual induction program in process to observe care taken, time spent and seriousness attached.
- Relevant items from HR audit questionnaire.