Lean Basics

Lean focuses on lean philosophy which is about elimination of waste in all forms at the workplace. Specific lean methods include just-in-time inventory management, Kanban scheduling systems and 5S workplace organization.

Many of these concepts were developed by a Japanese company, Toyota which is an automobile manufacturer in the 1940s and these concepts became widespread for removing waste thus, graduating as best practices in many industries beyond automotive companies. Applying these principles to production has the potential for both improved profitability and increased complexity.

Lean Origins

Lean Manufacturing has evolved over times. In 1890’s Frederick W. Taylor began to look at individual workers and work methods. Frank Gilbreth added Motion Study and invented Process Charting. Lillian Gilbreth introduced psychology by studying the motivations of workers and how attitudes affected the outcome of a process. These ideas led to waste elimination, a key component of JIT and Lean Manufacturing.

In 1910, Henry Ford developed and implemented the first comprehensive Manufacturing Strategy by arranging all the elements of a manufacturing system like people, machines, tooling and products, in a continuous system or an assembly line for manufacturing the Model T automobile.

Toyota Production System

During 1949 and 1975, in Toyota Motor Company, Taichii Ohno and Shigeo Shingo, began to incorporate Ford production and other techniques into an approach called Toyota Production System or Just In Time. But, they found flaws in the Ford system, especially with treatment towards employees as Ford used employees only for muscle power.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) focuses on muri and muda. Muri focuses on the preparation and planning of the process, or what work can be eliminated in the design process. Muda are those waste steps and processes that add cost. Muri is used in new product design and muda is used to improve existing operations.

Six Sigma Principles
Lean Tools

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