Effectiveness Measure

Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) are measure designed to correspond to accomplishment of mission objectives and achievement of desired results. They quantify the results to be obtained by a system and may be expressed as probabilities that the system will perform as required.

Measures of Effectiveness are specific metrics that are used to measure results in the overall mission and execution of assigned tasks.

These may have flexible performance limits associated with the outcome of a specific event. For example, the first round fired from a gun aimed using a radar would not impact a specific location, but the position can be measured using the radar, so the system should be able to deliver a round within a specific radius after several rounds have been fired. The number of rounds required to land one inside the limit is the MOE. The radius would be a Measure Of Performance (MOP).

The ultimate test of the effectiveness of a preventive or corrective action is the ability to turn the action on or off and observe the corresponding effect on the process. The histogram is probably the simplest tool to use. One of the frustrating aspects of preventive and corrective action problem solving is the tendency for the same problem to reoccur. Therefore a major part of preventive and corrective action activities is the installation of a system that monitors the process to ensure that the problem doesn’t reoccur.

Preventive and Corrective Action
Reliability Management Basics

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