Time Management

Time management is all about managing yourself. It involves a more organized, focused approach for using your time to your best advantage.

Points to be taken into consideration for efficient time management

Maintain a to-do list: Create a to-do list and make it a habit to continually update it. Include urgent and non-urgent items so that you never forget or overlook anything again. Carry your list with you at all times and be sure to break down your projects and assignments into specific action points. Research absenteeism records on employees

  • Prepare “Performance Review” documentation
  • Meet with employees to discuss reviews
  • Review personal files
  • Read employee goals
  • Assess performance

Distribute your time: Include an estimated time frame for each action point and the date by which the task must be completed. If the order in which you perform the tasks does not matter, you might be able to accomplish something during unexpected pockets of free time. For instance, you could research information on the internet while waiting in your office for a conference call to begin.
Value deadlines: Be realistic about setting deadlines and strive to meet them. It’s true that any task takes the exact amount of time allotted to it. Although we tend to get a lot done when we are under pressure, it is a lot less stressful and considerably more professional to establish and stick to an action plan.

Use your time wisely: Consider accessing your e-mail only at certain times of the day and let your voice mail pick up your calls to give you an uninterrupted hour or two. If possible, never touch the same piece of paper or e-mail twice. Do not open your mail unless you have time to read it and take action on it; that is, reply to it, delegate it, file it or discard it.

Organized workstation: Organize your desk, your hard-copy and computer files and your e-mail folders so you can find things easily. Far too much time is wasted searching for lost information.

Avoid disruptions: One of the reasons that causes problem in management is interruptions while performing tasks. It is very important for an individual to concentrate completely while doing any activity, as it can cause errors. Therefore, disruptions of any type can hamper the quality of work and increases the chances of occurrence of fault.

Cooperate and collaborate: Colleagues will expect your work to be done on time, so be sure to avoid any delays. In order to be safe; build extra time into the project time line to counteract unexpected snags, miscommunications or missed deadlines.

Avoid unnecessary follow-ups: If you pass the buck or assign work to someone else, let it go unless it is your specific responsibility to oversee it. Too many men waste valuable time listening to or reading reports about someone else’s project. If your colleagues’ research or business responsibilities do not impact your day-to-day work, job performance or career goals, you should only express an interest by way of supportive conversation.

Cancel routine meetings: Determine if meetings are absolutely necessary. If they are, establish an agenda and stay on track such as start and end on time. If your presence is not essential for the entire weekly operations review meeting, ask your boss privately if it might be appropriate for you to leave early.

Keep busy: Keep your skills sharp by having at least one project on the go at all times. Two or more is even better, as it gives you the opportunity to switch gears and concentrate on something else for a change of pace. Working on different projects simultaneously ensures that you always have something to work on. It also keeps your mind active and your perspective fresh.

Pick your projects carefully: Make sure your work has value for the company and that it makes the best use of your skills. There may be good reasons to decline a request to sit on a committee or to refuse to take on an additional project. You will earn a lot more respect by collaborating with a colleague whose expertise complements yours than by taking on additional work on your own, overburdening yourself and burning out.

Avoid delays: Habitual procrastination is often a sign of dissatisfaction. It’ is human nature to postpone unpleasant tasks. For this schedule some of the more fun aspects of the project to follow the negative ones. In case you continually put things off and miss deadlines, perhaps you should look carefully at your current job, your career goals, your strengths, and your interests.

Reward yourself: Time management is not entirely about work; it also involves scheduling some downtime to relax and recharge. Plan rewards once your tasks are completed. This could mean planning a vacation or little breaks.

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