Sales supervisors generally are selected from among the sales force, but be side having the qualifications required for selling success, they need other qualifications. They must be good teachers. They must recognize training needs, know how to train, be patient with those who have less skill, and be tactful in point out better ways of doing things. As vital links in the chain of communication go-betweens for higher sales management and the sales force alike-they must understand the needs and problems of both and reconcile them in the field.
They must be skilled in handling people and be equipped to deal with many complex situations. Beyond these supervisory duties, some companies expo; sales supervisors to sell certain accounts personally, this being one way to motivate them to keep up to date on field selling techniques. The field sales supervisors job is difficult and, in most companies, one with comparatively low pay. Nevertheless, many salespersons are eager for promotions to supervisory positions, since they often are stepping stones to higher positions.