Selecting Training Methods

The planners next select training methods (the M in A-C-M-E- E). There is a wide variety of methods, but the program content often limits those that are appropriate. If, for example, the content is a new policy on vacations and holidays the training method almost certainly will be the lecture, supplemented, perhaps, with visual aids. In this instance, such methods as role playing and the demonstration would be ruled out. It is important to select those training methods that most effectively convey the desired content.

The Lecture: This ancient instructional method, in use before the invention of printing, is used extensively in sales training. Trainees mainly watch and listen, although some versions of lecturing permit questions. The lecture features passive, rather than active, trainee participation. Its main weakness is that teaching is emphasized more than learning.

Advantages of Lecture Method: A lecture can be effective, provided that the lecturer is able and enthusiastic and uses examples, demonstrations, and visual aids.

Disadvantages of Lecture Method

Estimates are that the average trainee can immediately recall less than 10 percent of what he or she hears in a lecture using visual aids.

Because of the absence of immediate participant feedback, no lecturer has any immediate or objective means for gauging the effectiveness of a lecture, but must rely on a personal appraisal of its reception, or on volunteered comments by participants.

  • Some lecturing in sales training is necessary. If initial sales training is brief, for instance, lecturing may be the only way to cover the desired content. It may be the only practical way to handle instruction when the training group is too large to permit constructive audience participation.
  • Lecturing is most appropriate for introductory and orientation sessions and for providing summaries of major topics taught through methods such as case discussion and role playing.
  • It is used, in continuing sales training programs for providing new information about the company, its policies, products, markets, and selling programs.

When using the lecture method, learning is improved through a multimedia approach. The room is equipped with two to six projectors and screens, and the entire lecture is projected visually on succeeding screens across the front of the room. Further support is provided by projecting illustrations, charts, and graphs and through sound effects. This version of the lecture increases attention, comprehension, and retention.

The Personal Conference

The potential of this method often goes unrecognized, because many people assume that learning occurs only in structured situations. However, learning occurs in structured and unstructured, formal and informal situations.

In the personal conference, the trainer (often a sales executive or sales supervisor) and trainee jointly analyze problems, such as effective use of selling time, route planning and call scheduling, and handling unusual selling problems. Personal conferences are held in offices, restaurants, bars, motel rooms, and else- where. One version, the curbstone conference, takes place immediately after the trainee (accompanied by the trainer) has called upon a customer or prospect. The personal conference s an unstructured and informal method-it varies with the personalities of the trainer and the trainee and the topics discussed.


The demonstration is appropriate for conveying information on such topics as new products and selling techniques. Demon- starting how a new product works and its uses is effective, much more so than lecturing on the same material. In initial sales training, demonstrating techniques to use in “closing sales” is more effective than is lecturing. Effective sales trainers use demonstrations to the maximum extent-since the beginning of time, showing has been more effective than telling! Demonstrations are generally used with other methods-they enliven an otherwise dull lecture, and they reinforce the inter change in a curbstone conference on, for instance, how to inform the next customer of an impending price increase.

Deciding Training Content
Role Playing

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