E-Enabled Way to Buy

The benefits of e-procurement over manual purchasing are many and multifaceted. For example:

Streamlined processes reduce transaction time: Buyers can search electronic catalogs containing goods and services from multiple suppliers and compare products and prices on-line. Real time communication allows buyers to check current prices and quantities. Suppliers can provide instant PO status

Greater standardization of procurement processes: Electronic catalogs provide a standardized listing of items allowing for easier item comparison. Business rules governing all users and all transactions can be built into the application. Regardless of where they’re located, buyers can access catalogs using a standard web browser.

Greater access to suppliers: Using virtual e-procurement portals, buyers have access to suppliers around the globe, which translates into a wider selection of goods and services

Global operability: E-procurement applications can support multiple languages and currencies, as well as international financing, taxation, and shipping regulations

Ease of configurability and scalability: Web-based procurement applications can be configured to meet the unique needs of buyers and sellers and be scaled to grow as the organizations grow.

Building of trading communities: E-procurement allows the development of both horizontal and vertical trading communities offering consolidated buying power for the purchaser and increased range for new supply chains.

Lower costs: Cost efficiency results from a variety of factors including reduced time between order creation and order fulfillment, greater selection of goods and services from which to choose, formation of trading communities to consolidate buying power, the opportunity to purchase surplus products and services below market prices, and more!

Increased productivity: Automated procurement processes can yield significant time savings at all levels across an enterprise, increasing opportunities for employees to focus on more strategically important tasks and functions.

Increased opportunity to leverage preferred vendor relationships: According to a leading e-procurement systems vendor, 80% of indirect goods and services are purchased from vendors classified as “other.” This results from the frustrations and time delays inherent in processing paper-based purchases. This practice decreases the volume of purchases from preferred vendors and consequently drives up costs.

Advantages of Implementing E-Commerce
Impact of E-Procurement In Bottom Line

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