The initial decisions of warehousing are related to planning. A master plan of the layout, space requirements, and material-handling design should be developed first and a specific site for the warehouse selected. These decisions establish the character of the warehouse, which, in turn determines the degree of attainable handling efficiency.
Site selection
Location analysis techniques are available to assist in selecting a general area for warehouse location. Once location analysis is completed, a specific building site must be selected.
Three areas in a community may be considered for locations are
- Commercial zones
- Outlying areas served by motor truck only
- Central or downtown areas
The primary factors in site selection are the availability of services and cost. The cost of procurement is the most important factor governing site selection. A warehouse need not be located in a major industrial area. In many cities, one observes warehouses among industrial plants and in areas zoned for light or heavy industry. Interestingly, this is not a legal necessity because most warehouses can operate under the restrictions placed on commercial property. Beyond procurement cost, setup and operating expenses such as rail sidings, utility expenses, taxes, insurance rates, and highway access require evaluation.
These expenses vary between sites. For example, a food distribution firm recently rejected what otherwise appeared to be a totally satisfactory site because of insurance rates. The site was located near the end of a water main. During most of the day, adequate water supplies were available to handle operational and emergency requirements. The only possible water problem occurred during two short periods each day.
From 6:30 to 8:30 in the morning and from 5 to 7 in the evening, the demand for water along the line was so great that a sufficient supply was not available to handle emergencies. Because of this deficiency, abnormally high insurance rates were required and the site was rejected. Several other requirements must be satisfied before a site is purchased. The location must offer adequate room for expansion. Necessary utilities must be available. The soil must be capable of supporting the structure, and the site must be sufficiently high to afford proper drainage
Product mix consideration
The design and operation of a warehouse are related directly to the character of the product mix. Each product should be analyzed in terms of annual sales, stability of demand, weight, and packaging. It is also desirable to determine the total size and weight of the average order processed through the warehouse. These data provide necessary information for determining requirements in warehouse space, design and layout, material-handling equipment operating procedures, and controls.
Future expansion is often neglected when an enterprise consider initial establishment of its warehouse facilities. Inclusion of a warehouse into the logistical system should be based partially on estimated requirements for future operations. Well-managed organizations often establish five- to ten-year expansion plans.
Such expansion considerations may require purchase or option of a site three to five times the size of the initial structure. Special construction is often considered to ease expansion without seriously affecting normal operations. Some walls may be constructed of semi-permanent materials to allow easy removal. Floor areas, designed to support heavy movements, are extended to these walls in a manner that facilitates expansion.
Selection of material handling system
A material-handling system is one of the initial considerations of warehouse planning. Movement is the main function within a warehouse. Consequently, the warehouse is viewed as a structure designed to facilitate maximum product flow. It is important to stress that the material-handling system should be selected early in the warehouse design stage.