Certificate in Specflow

How It Works

  1. 1. Select Certification & Register
  2. 2. Receive Online e-Learning Access (LMS)
  3. 3. Take exam online anywhere, anytime
  4. 4. Get certified & Increase Employability

Test Details

  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • No. of questions: 50
  • Maximum marks: 50, Passing marks: 25 (50%).
  • There is NO negative marking in this module.
  • Online exam.

Benefits of Certification

$49.00 /-
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SpecFlow is a .NET-based open-source framework used for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) in software development. It enables developers, testers, and business stakeholders to collaborate and define, manage, and automate acceptance criteria in a human-readable format using Gherkin language (Given, When, Then syntax).

Note: Please note that the course comes with online e-learning (videos) only. No hard copy will be provided.

Why should one take Specflow Certification?

Specflow facilitates test automation by linking plain-text specifications written in Gherkin to automated tests written in .NET, allowing teams to automate acceptance criteria. SpecFlow promotes reusable step definitions and scenarios, enhancing test suite maintainability and reducing duplication. Hence, Specflow has gained widespread usage.

Vskills Certificate in Specflow provides a hands-on approach to understand the nuances of Specflow as well as understand Specflow to design, build, and manage test cases for .Net applications.

Who will benefit from taking Specflow Certification?

Developers, software testers, Engineers, Team Leads, Senior QA Engineers, managers will benefit immensely by opting for Vskills Certificate in Specflow to gain an edge in the Specflow and be noticeable for their skills in behavior-driven testing and test automation.

Students taking the certification also gain by showcasing their understanding of Specflow and are able to increase their job opportunities.

Specflow Table of Contents


Specflow Practice Questions


Specflow Interview Questions


Companies that hire Specflow Professionals

Companies specializing in software testing or software development are constantly hiring skilled Specflow Testers. IT companies, MNCs hire Specflow professionals for .Net application testing related tasks. Companies employing Specflow professionals include Google, TCS, Accenture, IBM, Tech Mahindra, GE, Amex, Deloitte, Wipro, TCS, etc.

Specflow Related Blogs

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Specflow Jobs

Checkout the various job openings for Specflow Professional, click here..

Specflow Internships

Vskills runs its flagship internship program where bright interns work with academic council, click to know more details..

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Introduction to Behavior-Driven Development

  • Behavioral Driven Development - What Is BDD?
  • What Is Cucumber and What Is Gherkin?
  • Why Learn Gherkin?
  • Gherkin - A Universal Language
  • Gathering Business Requirements
  • User Stories with Gherkin
  • Testing with Gherkin
  • Single Source of Truth
  • Gherkin Workflow

Gherkin Crash Course

  • Keywords Introduction
  • Feature Keyword
  • Scenario Keyword
  • Given Keyword
  • When Keyword
  • Then Keyword
  • And Keyword
  • But Keyword
  • * (Asterisk) Keyword
  • Main Keyword Recap
  • Rule Keyword
  • Background Keyword
  • Scenario Outline/Examples Keyword
  • @ Tag Keyword
  • Comments
  • Long Description
  • Datatable
  • Multiple Languages
  • Gherkin Keyword Rules

Introduction to Specflow

  • What Is Specflow?
  • Why Learn Specflow as a .NET Developer?
  • What Is the Purpose of an Acceptance Test?
  • Types of Specflow Tests
  • High-Level Specflow
  • Installing Specflow Extensions for Visual Studio
  • Installing Specflow Extensions - Visual Studio Code
  • Test the Specflow Extension - New Specflow Project

Getting Started with Specflow - Binding Steps

  • Clean Slate Specflow
  • Creating Specflow Class from Scratch
  • Binding Steps Introduction
  • Fixing Unbound Steps
  • Alternative Binding Styles
  • Changing Default in Config
  • Running Tests for the First Time

Specflow - How Parameters Are Handled

  • Debug Parameters
  • Strings and Ints Parameters
  • How Datatables Are Handled in Parameters

Gherkin Datatables - Specflow Table Assist

  • Table Assist Helper
  • Create Instance Helper Method
  • Assert Using Helper Method CompareToInstance
  • Assert Using Helper Method CompareToSet
  • Fixing Implementation

Introduction to Specflow Hooks

  • Hooks introduction
  • Hooks Logging
  • Output API Overview
  • Why Use Hooks?
  • Hook Order
  • Test Run Assembly Location
  • Passing in Context Dependencies into Hooks
  • Getting Error Test Property in Hooks

Splitting Features and Steps

  • Ignore and Context Pending
  • Organizing Features and Steps Ideas
  • Refactor with Split Step Files
  • Refactor Without Static in Split Files

Sharing Data in Specflow - Context and Dependency Injection

  • Specflow Context System - Using System Property Bag
  • Merging Scenario Context Properties into One
  • Context Base Class Approach
  • Base Class Scenario Context with Dependency Injection
  • Built-In Dependency Injection
  • Sharing Data Method - Comparison Roundup

Advanced Specflow - Value Retrievers

  • Value Retrievers Datetime
  • Value Retrievers Enum
  • Custom Value Retriever
  • Custom Comparer
  • TD Custom Value Retriever Boolean
  • Custom Value Retriever - UserType Challenge
  • Custom Value Retriever - UserType Challenge Solution
  • DateTime Null Values
  • Interpret Nulls with Null Value Retriever
  • Custom String Retriever Handle Nulls
  • Custom Retriever Comma-Separated List
  • Dynamic Data Custom Value Retriever

Step Argument Conversions

  • About Step Argument Conversions
  • Step Argument Conversion Challenge
  • Step Argument Conversion Challenge Solution
  • IEnumerable Table Step Argument Transformation
  • Step Argument Order Precedence

Advanced Specflow - Hooks and Scopes, Async

  • Async Step Definitions
  • Hook Scope Restriction
  • Hook Scope Restriction - Multiple As OR
  • Hook Scope Restriction - Feature Level
  • Hook Scope As AND
  • Scoped Bindings Step Definitions

Running Tests with Specflow

  • Trait View Test Explorer
  • Commandline dotnettest
  • Commandline vstestconsole
  • Azure Integration
  • Parallelize Tests MsTest
  • Parallelize Tests NUnit
  • Parallelize Tests XUnit
  • Parallelize Tests Specflow Runner

Organizing Features and Steps

  • Tidy Up Project Separate Feature Files – Part 1
  • Tidy Up Project Separate Feature Files - Part 2
  • Tidying Up Project - Separate Business Models

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