Solidity Certification Table of Contents

Table of Content

Smart Contract Basics and Solidity

  • What Is a Smart Contract - Solidity
  • What Is an IDE - Remix Ethereum
  • Remix Ethereum - IDE Basics (How to Use an IDE)
  • Exercise - Get Familiar with the Remix Ethereum IDE
  • What Are Comments in Solidity
  • Why Comments Are Important

Introduction to Solidity

  • Solidity for Beginners - Welcome to Your New Journey!
  • Copy and Paste Your First Smart Contract
  • Compile and Deploy Your First Smart Contract
  • Exercise - Reconfigure a Solidity Smart Contract
  • Solution - Reconfigure a Solidity Smart Contract
  • Introduction to Pragma Solidity (Compiling Versions)
  • How to Understand Pragma Solidity
  • Exercise - Instantiate Solidity
  • Solution - Instantiate Solidity

Solidity - Basics

  • General Introduction to Variables and Types
  • Introduction to Booleans, Integers, and Strings
  • Writing Solidity Variables
  • Exercise - Write Solidity Variables
  • Solution - Write Solidity Variables
  • What Are Functions in Solidity
  • How to Write Functions in Solidity
  • Scope - Functions and Variables in Solidity
  • Exercise - Write Your First Smart Contract - Calculator
  • Solution - Write Your First Smart Contract - Calculator

Solidity Conditional Logic, Scope, and Visibility

  • Decision-Making in Solidity
  • How to Write If else Statements in Solidity
  • Exercise - Write an Airdrop If Statement in Solidity (Exercise with Solution)
  • Visibility - Public Private Internal External - in Solidity
  • Scope and State in Solidity
  • Exercise - Strengthen Your Understanding of Scope and State
  • Solution - Strengthen Your Understanding of Scope and State
  • Visibility - Public Private Internal External - in Solidity II
  • Visibility - Public Private Internal External - in Solidity III
  • Operators in Solidity
  • Arithmetic Operators in Solidity
  • The Remainder Operator in Solidity
  • How to Calculate the Modulo Remainder - Trick
  • Exercise - Arithmetic Operator
  • Solution - Arithmetic Operator
  • Comparison Operators in Solidity
  • Exercise - Comparison Operators
  • Solution - Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators in Solidity
  • Exercise - Logical Operators
  • Solution - Logical Operators
  • The Assignment Operator in Solidity
  • Exercise - Final Solidity Operator Test
  • Solution - Final Solidity Operator Test

Solidity Loops, Strings and Bytes

  • How to Improve Your Skills with This Course
  • Review – Modulo and Fun Math in Solidity
  • The For Loop in Solidity
  • Exercise - How to Loop in Solidity
  • Solution - How to Loop in Solidity
  • Strings in Solidity
  • Memory Keyword in Solidity
  • Bytes Versus Strings in Solidity I
  • Bytes Versus Strings in Solidity II
  • Exercise - Writing Strings in Solidity
  • Solution - Writing Strings in Solidity

Structures and Libraries in Solidity

  • What Are Constructors in Solidity
  • Exercise - Build a Constructor in Solidity
  • Solution - Build a Constructor in Solidity
  • Arrays in Solidity – Pop, Push, and Length Methods
  • Arrays in Solidity – Delete
  • Exercise - Compact Array
  • Solution - Compact Array
  • What Are Enums in Solidity
  • Exercise - How to Write Enums
  • Solution - How to Write Enums
  • What Are Structs in Solidity
  • Exercise - Structs in Solidity
  • Solution - Structs in Solidity
  • Mapping in Solidity
  • Exercise - Set Keys and Values
  • Mapping and Struct Assignment
  • Solution - Mapping and Struct Assignment
  • Nested Mapping in Solidity

Solidity Conversions and Special Variables

  • Bits and Units - Conversion in Solidity
  • Exercise - Bits and Bytes
  • Solution - Bits and Bytes
  • Ether Units and Denominations in Solidity
  • Exercise - Assert Ether to Wei
  • Solution - Assert Ether to Wei
  • Exercise - Assert Time and Dates Suffix in Solidity
  • Solution - Assert Time and Dates Suffix in Solidity
  • Global Variables in Solidity I
  • Global Variables in Solidity II
  • Special Variables

Functions in Solidity

  • Overview of Functions in This Solidity Course
  • What Are Function Modifiers in Solidity
  • How to Write a Function Modifier in Solidity
  • Exercise - Write a Function Modifier
  • Solution - Write a Function Modifier
  • The View Keyword in Solidity
  • What Does Pure Mean in Solidity
  • Exercise - View and Pure Functions
  • Solution - View and Pure Functions
  • Returning Multiple Data Types with Functions in Solidity
  • Destructuring and Multiple Returns from Functions in Solidity
  • Exercise - Destructuring and Multiple Returns from Functions in Solidity
  • The Fallback Function in Solidity I
  • The Fallback Function in Solidity II
  • The Fallback Function in Solidity III
  • Exercise - Write a Fallback Function
  • Function Overloading in Solidity
  • Exercise - Write a Function Overload
  • Solution - Write a Function Overload
  • What Are Cryptographic Functions
  • Build a Random Generator Function
  • Smart Contract Oracles
  • Exercise - Cryptographic Oracle Contract
  • Solution - Cryptographic Oracle Contract

Solidity Patterns and Cybersecurity

  • Obvious (But Helpful) Advice - Take Your Time with New Things
  • Leveling Up in Solidity
  • Pop Quiz – Looping and Transactions in Solidity
  • Solution - Pop Quiz – Looping and Transactions in Solidity
  • Smart Contracts - Points of Failure
  • Should Contracts Be Allowed to Receive Funds? (Thought Experiment)
  • A Vulnerable Smart Contract
  • How to Hack a Smart Contract (Malicious Constructor Trick)
  • Coding in Terms of Higher Patterns
  • Transfer Versus Send Method in Solidity
  • The Withdrawal Pattern in Solidity
  • Exercise - Write a Withdrawal Function
  • Solution - Write a Withdrawal Function in Solidity

Solidity Patterns and Restricted Access

  • The Restricted Access Pattern
  • Exercise - Modifier Function
  • Solution - Modifier Function
  • Only After Modifier in Solidity I
  • Only After Modifier in Solidity II
  • Exercise - Cost Restriction in Solidity
  • Solution - Cost Restriction in Solidity
  • Optional Bonus - Cost Restriction in Solidity

Solidity Inheritance and Abstractions

  • Introduction to Advanced Solidity
  • What are Contracts Review in Solidity
  • Exercise - Contract Visibility Advanced
  • Review - Public Private External and Internal in Solidity
  • Entrance Exam for the Advanced Solidity Sections
  • Solution - Contract Visibility Advanced I
  • Solution - Contract Visibility Advanced II
  • What Is Inheritance in Solidity
  • Exercise - Inheritance with Smart Contracts
  • Solution - Inheritance with Smart Contracts
  • What Exactly are Events in Solidity
  • What are Abstract Contracts in Solidity
  • Virtual and Override in Abstract Contracts
  • Exercise - Abstract Contract Calculator
  • Solution - Abstract Contract Calculator

Advanced Solidity

  • What Are Interfaces in Solidity
  • Injected Web3 Interface Exercise Prerequisite
  • Exercise - Uniswap Interactions with Interfaces
  • Solution - Uniswap Interactions with Interfaces
  • What Are Libraries in Solidity
  • Exercise - Access Library Using A for B Pattern
  • Solution - Access Library by Using A for B
  • Assembly and EVM OpCodes with Solidity
  • How to Write Assembly in Solidity
  • Exercise - Use Assembly to Run Byte Conversions
  • Solution - Use Assembly to Run Byte Conversions
  • Overview of Error Handling in Solidity
  • How Does Require Work in Solidity
  • How Does Revert Work in Solidity
  • How Does Assert Work in Solidity
  • Exercise - Error Handling in Solidity
  • Solution - Error Handling in Solidity
  • Final Exercise - Build an Auction DApplication
  • Solution - State Variables and Constructor - Auction
  • Solution - Bid Function - Auction
  • Solution - Withdrawal Function - Auction
  • Solution - Final Auction Solution


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