Certified Mutual Funds Analyst Table of Content


Table of Content


1. Introduction

1.1 Definition of a Mutual Fund

1.2 Reasons for investing in Mutual Funds

1.3 Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

1.4 History of Mutual Funds

1.5 Mutual Funds in India

1.6 Structure of Mutual Funds


2. Process of a Mutual Fund

2.1 Setting Investment Goals

2.2 Parties involved in a Mutual Fund

2.3 Role of the AMC

2.4 Sources of Information


3. Characteristics and Classes of Funds

3.1 Fund Classes

3.2 Asset Classes

3.3 Open ended and close ended funds

3.4 NFO

3.5 Systematic Investment Plan

3.6 Systematic Transfer Plan

3.7 Systematic Withdrawal Plan

4. Types of Mutual Funds

4.1 Money Market Funds

4.2 Fixed Income Funds

4.3 Equity Funds

4.4 Fund of Funds

4.5 Gold ETFS

4.6 Debt Funds

4.7 Fixed Maturity Plans

4.8 Capital Protection Funds

4.9 Gilt Funds

4.10 MIPs

4.11 Child Benefit Plans

4.12 Liquid Funds

4.13 Balanced Funds

4.14 Global Funds

4.15 Specialty Funds

5. Buying and selling MFs

5.1 Buying a Mutual Fund

5.2 Selling a Mutual Fund

6. Costs associated with MFs

6.1 Management and Operating Expenses

6.2 Sales Charges (Loads)

6.3 Recurring Expenses

6.4 Securities Transaction Tax

6.5 Fees of Fund Managers

7. Tax Consequences

7.1 Capital gains

7.2 Indexation benefit

7.3 Tax on Income Distributed

7.4 Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) / Withholding Tax

7.5 Bank Fixed Deposit

7.6 Dividend Payout and Growth Options within Schemes

7.7 Setting Off & Carry Forward of Losses

7.8 Dividend Stripping

8. Returns and Risks of MFs

8.1 Types of Mutual Fund Payouts

8.2 NAV

8.3 Expense Ratio

8.4 Risk

8.5 Portfolio Turnover

9. Regulations

9.1 Objectives of AMFI

9.2 Investor's rights and obligations

10. Taking investment decision

10.1 Growth Option

10.2 Dividend Payout Option

10.3 Dividend Reinvestment Option

10.4 Bank Products versus Mutual Funds

10.5 Common Pitfalls

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