Table of Content
1. Shell Something Out
- Playing with Variables and Environment Variables
- Function to Prepend to Environment Variables
- Math with the Shell
- Playing with File Description and Redirection
- Arrays and Associative Arrays
- Visiting Aliases
- Grabbing Information about the Terminal
- Getting and Setting Dates and Delays
- Debugging the Script
- Functions and Arguments
- Reading the Output of a Sequence of Commands
- Reading n Characters without Pressing the Return Key
- Running a Command Until It Succeeds
- Field Separators and Iterators
- Comparisons and Tests
2. Have a Good Command
- Recording and playingback of terminal sessions
- Finding files and file listing
- Playing with xargs
- Translating with tr
- Checksum and Verification
- Cryptographic Tools and Hashes
- Sorting Unique and Duplicates
- Temporary File Naming and Random Numbers
- Splitting Files and Data
- Slicing Filenames Based on Extension
- Renaming and Moving Files in Bulk
- Spell Checking and Dictionary Manipulation
- Automating Interactive Input
- Making Commands Quicker by Running Parallel Processes
3. File In, File Out
- The Intersection and Set Difference (A-B) on Text Files
- Finding and Deleting Duplicate Files
- Working with File Permissions, Ownership, and the Sticky Bit
- Making Files Immutable
- Generating Blank Files in Bulk
- Finding Symbolic Links and Their Targets
- Enumerating File Type Statistics
- Using Loopback Files
- Finding the Difference between Files, Patching
- Using Head and Tail for Printing the Last or First Ten Lines
- Listing Only Directories – Alternative Methods
- Fast Command-Line Navigation Using pushd and popd
- Counting the Number of Lines, Words and Characters in a File
- Printing the Directory Tree
4. Texting and Driving
- Searching and mining text inside a file with grep
- Cutting a File Column-Wise with Cut
- Using sed to Perform Text Replacement
- Using awk for Advanced Text Processing
- Finding Frequency of Words Used in a Given File
- Compressing or Decompressing JavaScript
- Merging Multiple Files as Columns
- Printing the nth Word or Column in a File or Line
- Printing Text between Line Numbers or Patterns
- Printing Lines in the Reverse Order
- Parsing E-mail Address and URLs from Text
- Removing a Sentence in a File Containing a Word
- Replacing a Pattern with Text in all Files in a Directory
- Text Slicing and Parameter Operations
5. Tangled Web? Not at All!!
- Downloading a Web Page as Plain Text
- A Primer on cURL
- Parsing Data from a Website
- Image crawler and downloader
- Web photo album generator
- Creating a "define" Utility by Using the Web Backend
- Finding Broken Links in a Website
- Tracking changes to a website
- Posting to a Web Page and Reading Response
6. The Backup Plan
- Archiving with cpio
- Compressing data with gzip
- Archiving and Compressing with Zip
- Faster Archiving with pbzip2
- Creating filesystems with Compression
- Backup Snapshots with rsync
- Version Control-Based backup with Git
- Creating entire disk images using fsarchiver
7. The Old-Boy Network
- Listing All the Machines Alive on a Network
- Running Commands on a Remote Host with SSH
- Transferring Files through the Network
- Password-Less Auto-Login with SSH
- Port Forwarding and Mounting Remote Drives
- Network Traffic and Port Analysis
- Creating Arbitrary Sockets
8. Put on the Monitors Cap
- Calculating the Execution Time for a Command
- Collecting Information about Logged-in Users, Boot Logs, and Boot Failures
- Listing the Top ten CPU Consuming Processes in an Hour
- Monitoring Command Outputs with Watch
- Logging Access to Files and Directories
- Logfile Management with logrotate
- Logging with syslogd
- Monitoring User Logins to Find Intruders
- Remote Disk Usage Health Monitor
- Finding Out Active User Hours on a System
- Measuring and Optimizing Power Usage
- Monitoring Disk Activity
- Checking Disks and Filesystems for Errors
9. Administration Calls
- Killing Processes and Send or Respond to Signals
- Sending Messages to User Terminals
- Gathering System Information
- Using /proc for Gathering Information
- Scheduling with cron
- Writing and Reading the MySQL Database from Bash
- User Administration Script
- Bulk Image Resizing and Format Conversion
- Taking Screenshots from the Terminal
- Managing Multiple Terminals from One
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