Vskills Certifications are promoted by ICSIL, a government PSU (a Joint Venture of Government of India and Government of Delhi Undertaking) .
ICSIL was incorporated in 1987. The Company holds a status of Govt. Company. ICSIL is a designated IT company of Delhi Government. ICSIL undertakes works pertaining to Computer Education & Training, Computer & Hardware supply, Maintenance of Computers and its peripherals, IT Solutions & Manpower.
The projects of ICSIL are executed successfully with the participation of its joint-venture promoters -
Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL), a Government of India Enterprise. TCIL is 100% Govt. company under MOC and a premier Telecom Consultancy & Engineering Company. It provides Telecom, IT and Civil services across the Globe. It undertakes turnkey projects from concept to commissioning and has presence in more than 50 countries
- Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (An Undertaking of Delhi State Government). DSIIDC was established in February 1971 and played a key role in shaping the industrial growth of Indian capital. It manages area allotment and does relocation of Industries. It also manages Delhi Emporium and organizes Exhibitions at National & International levels
Vskills is a testing and certification program focused on prior learning. Through Vskills Assessments, individuals with learning acquired outside of a formal classroom setting have the opportunity to get certified.
Vskills certifications are an acknowledgement of candidate's skills in chosen certification and adds value to their CV thus, increasing employability. Vskills certification helps candidate increase their visibility by tagging certified candidates on MonsterIndia.com and Shine.com.