Generative AI with LangChain Certification Table of Contents

Table of Content


LangChain Introduction

  • What You Will Get in This Course
  • What Is LangChain?
  • Let's Understand the LangChain Benefits

OpenAI Introduction

  • What Is OpenAI?
  • OpenAI API Key Generation

Demo and Environment Setup

  • A LangChain Example - Implementation Demo
  • Anaconda Installation

LangChain - Models Module Concept

  • LangChain's Modules Overview

Beginner Level - Project 1 - Simple Question and Answer App

  • LLMs Walkthrough
  • LLM Practical Implementation Using Python
  • Project Environment Setup
  • Lets' Build Simple Question Answering Application

Project 2 - Simple Conversational App

  • Chat Model Walkthrough
  • Chat Model Practical Implementation Using Python
  • Let's Build Simple Conversational Application

Project 3 - Find Similar Things App for Kids

  • Text Embedding Walkthrough
  • Text Embeddings Practical Implementation Using Python
  • Embeddings Example Using Python
  • Let's build Similar Words Finder Application

LangChain - Prompt Module Concept and Implementation Using Python

  • Prompts Module Introduction
  • Prompt Template Walkthrough
  • Example Selectors Walkthrough
  • Adding More Examples to Input Prompt
  • Output Parsers Walkthrough

Project 4 - Marketing Campaign App

  • Convert Jupyter Notebook to Python Script
  • Building the App's Frontend
  • Integration of Frontend and Backend
  • Modularization of Code
  • Adding Examples - Kids, Adults, and Senior Citizens

LangChain - Memory Module Concept

  • Importance of Memory in LLM-Powered Apps
  • Different Types of Memory

Project 5 - ChatGPT Clone with Summarization Option

  • ChatGPT Clone Demo
  • Setting Up the Project
  • Implementing the Frontend
  • Modularizing the Code
  • Passing Dynamic Data
  • Implementing Chatbot Conversational View
  • Conversation Summarization and API key feature

LangChain - Data Connection Module Concept

  • Data Connection Module Introduction
  • Data Connection Module - Python Implementation Part 1
  • Data Connection Module - Python Implementation Part 2

Project 6 - Quiz MCQ Creator App

  • Loading Documents and Creating Chunks
  • Generate Embeddings and Store Them
  • Retrieving Answer
  • Creating Structured Output

LangChain - Chains Module Concept

  • Chains Overview
  • Generic Chains
  • Utility Chains

LangChain - Agents Module Concept

  • Agents Overview

Project 7 - CSV Data Analysis Tool

  • CSV Data Analysis Tool Demo
  • CSV Data Analysis Tool - Frontend
  • CSV Data Analysis Tool - Backend

Project 8 - YouTube Script Writing Tool

  • YouTube Script Writing Tool Demo
  • YouTube Script Writing tool - Frontend
  • YouTube Script Writing tool - Backend
  • YouTube Script Writing tool - Integration

Project 9 - Support Chatbot for Your Website

  • Support Chat Bot for Your Website Demo
  • Implement Frontend for Pushing Data to Pinecone
  • Implementing Backend for Scraping the Data
  • Implementing Backend for Pushing the Data to Pinecone
  • Handling the Hardcoded Values
  • Implementing Information Retrieval System

Project 10 - Automatic Ticket Classification Tool

  • Automatic Ticket Classification Tool - Demo
  • Upload Documents to Pinecone - Frontend and Backend
  • Chatbot Interaction- Frontend and Backend
  • Organizing Different Pages in Streamlit
  • Classification Model Creation
  • Model Training Process
  • Ticket-Raising Feature Implementation
  • Viewing Pending Tickets Tab

Project 11 - HR - Resume Screening Assistance

  • HR - Resume Screening Assistance - Demo
  • Resume Screening Assistance Frontend
  • Loading Documents and Adding Metadata
  • Push and Pull Data from Pinecone
  • Finetuning Output

LLAMA 2 Introduction

  • LLAMA 2 Introduction and Download Guide

Project 12 - Email Generator Using LLAMA 2 - Streamlit App

  • Email Generator Frontend and Module Creation
  • Using LLAMA 2 as LLM and Execution

Project 13 - Invoice Extraction Bot

  • Invoice Extraction Bot - Demo
  • Invoice Extraction Bot - Streamlit Frontend
  • Replicate Platform Introduction
  • Data Extraction
  • LLAMA 2 - LLM Setup
  • Formatting Output and Download Option

Project 14 - Text to SQL Query - Helper Tool, Google Collab, LLAMA 2

  • Project Setup and Hugging Face Login
  • Pipeline Creation and Prediction

Project 15 - Customer Care Call Summary Alert, OpenAI, Zapier NLA

  • Customer Care Call Summary Alert - Demo
  • Frontend Implementation
  • Backend Implementation
  • Final Execution

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