Table of Content
Principles of Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction
- Fields and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- AI Tools and Learning Models
- The Role of Python in Artificial Intelligence
- Python for Game AI
AI with Search Techniques and Games
- Introduction
- Heuristics
- Pathfinding with the A* Algorithm
- Game AI with the Minmax Algorithm and Alpha-Beta Pruning
Artificial intelligence Basics
- Artificial intelligence - an introduction
- What is an AI & on intelligence
- Intelligent agents
- Driving problem
- Floor cleaning problem
- Types of environment
- Types of environment part 2
MiniMax algorithm explanation + Pseudocode
- What is MiniMax?
- Technicalities & MiniMax tree
- MiniMax number game
- MiniMax number game part 2
- Win, lose, draw example
- Win, lose, draw example part 2
- Win, lose, draw example part 3
- Technicalities & Terms used in the algorithm
- MiniMax Pseudocode
MiniMax for Tic Tac Toe - Explanation + Pseudocode
- MiniMax algorithm for the Tic Tac Toe game
- MiniMax algorithm for the Tic Tac Toe game part 2
HTML and CSS code with explanation for the game
- Create skeleton of the HTML5 code
- Meta tags of the HTML5 code
- Create the header and the result heading
- Create the game and rule sections' skeletons
- Create the game canvases and new game button
- Create the rules section's paragraphs and heading
- Connect HTML and CSS files
- Set background and more on colors
- Set default styles and style the header
- Style the headings
- Style the canvases
- Style the entire game area
- Style the Divs that hold the canvases and rules area
- Style the paragraphs and headings
- Style the New Game button
- Create hover effects on the canvases and new game button
- Design enhancements to the game part 1
- Design enhancements to the game part 2
- Design enhancements to the game part 3
JavaScript & HTML5 Canvas Basic Concepts (related to this project)
- Connecting HTML and script/JS files
- An introduction to variables and assigning values
- Mathematical operators and alerts
- Conditional statements - if else statement
- Conditional statements - Switch case
- Loops - For loop
- Arrays - 1 dimensional arrays
- Arrays - 2 dimensional arrays
- An introduction to functions (function definition and calls)
- Intro to DOM - getElementById and InnerText
- Intro to DOM - adding click events to buttons
- JavaScript Objects part 1
- JavaScript Objects part 2
- JavaScript Objects part 3
- Step 1 & 2 - Getting the canvas and creating the drawing object
- Drawing a line (also explanation on canvas dimensions and pixel points)
- Drawing & coloring a shape with poly lines (a path)
- Drawing & coloring a circle and arcs
Step by step algorithm for the JavaScript code
- Step by step algorithm for the JavaScript code part 1
- Step by step algorithm for the JavaScript code part 2
Coding the Tic Tac Toe AI in JavaScript
- Window onload function
- Initial states
- Initial states part 2
- Initial states part 3
- Making the new game button work
- Canvas click event + retrieving the clicked box's number
- Drawing the X
- Drawing the O
- Winner check function
- Box click function - code to let the human player play
- Box click function - code to let the human player play part 2
- Box click function - code to let the human player play part 3
MiniMax algorithm in JavaScript
- Finding the empty boxes
- Making the AI play
- Making the AI play part 2
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - terminal tests
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - recurring conditions
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - recurring conditions part 2
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - working out an example
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - calculate scores of intermediate states
- Applying the MiniMax algorithm - calculate scores of intermediate states part 2
- Analyzing the final output
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