Q1. What is Vskills?
Answer - Vskills is the India's largest professional certification body. We conduct skills testing and certification exam to improve employability. Candidates use Vskills Certifications, which are well recognized in the Industry, as certification of skills and knowledge. Vskills Assessments offers candidates with learning opportunity acquired outside of a formal classroom setting to get certified by appearing in standardized exams conducted throughout the nation at proctored centers.
Q2. What are the benefits of taking Vskills Certification Exam?
- An initiative with focus on Skill development and Employability
- Test and prove skills that are valued by experts in the industry
- CVs of Vskills Certified candidates are highlighted in MonsterIndia's job seeker database and get special attention of the recruiter
- CVs of Vskills Certified candidates are also highlighted in Shine.com's job seeker database and get special attention of the recruiter
- CVs of all Vskills Certified candidates is shared with matching organizations for recruitment
- Vskills Certified candidates are a part of the Vskills Job Centre for Life
- Vskills assessment exams are structured and regularly updated according to the industry standards
- Vskills Certifications are solely focused on skills building and assessment and do not require any time commitment
- Vskills Certifications open avenues for candidates in various sectors
- Vskills Certifications provide an opportunity to get certified in areas where you are not formally educated
- Vskills Certifications greatly enhance the chances of employment
Q3. How will the Vskills certification help me?
Answer - Vskills certification can also demonstrate your commitment to professional development and lifelong learning, which can be highly valued by employers and colleagues alike. Vskills certification can also help you in your current job by providing you with additional knowledge and skills that can improve your performance and productivity.
Q4. What is the duration of the Vskills Certification?
Answer - There is NO course duration for certification but, candidate needs to appear for the exam within 1 year of order date. Exams are conducted on monthly basis and candidate has the flexibility to select the exam date from Exam Calendar as per their feasibility.
Q5. What is the procedure of registration for Vskills Certification?
Answer - The candidate must follow the below steps to register for the Vskills Certification -
Step 1 - Select the Certification you wish to pursue
Step 2 - Register Online by Clicking - 'Buy Now' button on Certification Page and add the product to your account
Step 3 - Receive the Online Access for Learning Management System and Practice Test
Step 4 - Receive Hard Copy of the Material (If applicable)
Step 5 - Login to your account and Take Exam Online
Step 6 - Pass the Exam and Get Certified
Step 7 - Become Job Ready and highlight your Resume - Get LinkedIn Recommendation
Online Registration (Net banking / Credit Card/Debit Card/PayPal)
We accept Visa/Master/Amex cards and all Indian Banks Debit Cards.
Online payment is done in requisite certification page.
Q6. What is the eligibility for registration?
Answer - NO prerequisites or NO minimum qualification for taking the Vskills Certification Exam, so it is can be pursued by freshers as well as experienced professionals.
Vskills certification is suitable for anyone who wants to demonstrate their expertise in a particular field, enhance their knowledge and skills, or evaluate the skills and knowledge of their employees.
Q7. What study material is provided for Exam Preparation?
Answer - Different certifications have different supplementary content being provided to ease the preparation.
1. Hard copy or access to online e-learning or both if applicable are provided.
2. For few certifications, link to online videos is only provided.
Q8. How to take the Vskills exam?
Answer - You can take the exam online now. Please follow steps to appear for the Exam -
1. Log in to My Account
2. Click on 'Take Exam'
3. Read the instructions carefully
4. Submit the exam
5. Result Declared immediately
For more information, you may write to us at info@vskills.in"
Q9. How to get the study material?
Answer - The access to online e-learning LMS is immediately shared upon registration and hard copy of the learning material is sent to candidate's postal address within 7-10 working days (if hard copy is applicable). For Certifications with only Online E-Learning Material, Links for the LMS (Learning Management System) is shared immediately.
Q10. Is the learning material enough for the exam preparation?
Answer - The learning material provided is to facilitate the process of preparation and covers the table of contents as listed. We would also suggest you to go through the practice test on the website (https://www.vskills.in/practice/) for your better understanding.
Q11. How many days does it take to get the learning material?
Answer - Hard copy if applicable takes 7-10 working days post-registration, depending upon candidate's location. Access to online e-learning, is provided immediately upon registration.
Q12. What are the minimum days required to complete the Vskills Exam?
Answer - There is no minimum limit to appear for the exam. You can appear immediately upon registration, but a maximum limit of 1 year from order date is applicable.
Q13. What is the duration of the exam?
Answer - Vskills Certification Exam is for one hour (60 minutes) duration.
Q14. What types of questions are asked in the exam?
Answer - Vskills Certification Exam has 50 multiple choice questions (1 marks each), with no negative marking.
Q15. What is the passing percentage?
Answer - Passing percentage for the Vskills Exam is 50% i.e., 25 marks need to be scored in order to clear the exam.
Q16. When is the exam conducted?
Answer - It is an online exam. Candidates can take the exam any time and from anywhere around the globe.
Q17. How many attempts can I give for a certification exam?
Answer - Candidate are given one attempt per registration. In case a candidate is unable to pass the exam then they can re-appear for the exam by taking an Exam Retake.
Q18. If I fail, what is the procedure to reappear in the exam?
Answer - In case a candidate is unable to clear the exam then, candidate registers for Exam Retake by making an online payment of Rs. 799/- + GST. No hard copy of the learning material is shared case of Exam Retake.
Q19. I am residing outside India, so can I register for the Vskills exam ?
Answer - Yes, candidates residing outside India can register for the Vskills Certification exam and can take the exam online anytime as per their convenience.
Q20. Can I register for two or more certification exams at one time?
Answer - Yes, candidates can register for two or more exams at one time.
Q21. How difficult is the Vskills Certification Exam?
Answer - The certification exam is meant to assess the ability of the candidate in specific domain and checks entry level to medium level skills. If you know the domain area, and have studied the accompanying material well, you will have no difficulty in passing the exam
Q22. Do you provide any sample questions?
Answer - Practice tests are provided for every certification.
Q23. Do I need to renew my certificate?
Answer - Vskills certification is valid for Lifetime and doesn't have any expiry.
Q24. Can i review my answer sheet?
Answer - If required the answer sheet can be review by the internal team only, for privacy concern we don't share the questions/marksheet with anyone.
Q25. What kind of support is provided by Vskills after passing the exam?
Vskills provides support to certified candidates -
- CVs of certified candidates are flagged on Monster India website as Vskills Certified candidates to employers.
- CVs of certified candidates are also tagged on Shine.com website as Vskills Certified candidates to employers.
- CVs of all Vskills Certified candidates is shared with relevant employers for employment
- Vskills Certified candidates are a part of the Job Centre for Life
- Vskills provide Linked Recommendation to boost your Job
Q26. What type of Job support is provided by Vskills?
Answer - Corporates, MNCs, job consultants and recruitment agencies registered with Vskills as placement partners access the database of certified candidates for providing employment opportunities.
Q27. In case I am unable to take the exam will my fees be refunded?
Answer - As a policy under no circumstances will the fees be refunded to the candidate after registration, unless there is a situation that is unavoidable.
Q28. Is the material provided by you sufficient from exam point of view or should I refer other sources?
The study material provided by Vskills is a guideline for your exam, but you can refer to other sources for further clarity on any topic.
Online tutorials and practice test are also provided for candidate's preparation.
Q29. When is the result declared?
Answer - Results are declared immediately upon exam submission. Candidate passing the exam receives hard copy of the certificate (within India)usually within 7-10 working days. The soft copy of the certificate is also available in the candidates account.
Q30. Are there any classes provided by you to prepare for the exam?
Answer - Vskills do not offer classes for any certification exam. The candidates have to prepare on its own for the exam.
NO CLASSES are provided by Vskills.
Q31. What is the cost of Vskills certification?
Answer - Certification is variably priced with prices mentioned on each Certification Page.
Q32. What if my certificate is lost or damaged?
Answer - Candidate need to make a payment for certificate re-issuance, details at link - https://www.vskills.in/certification/certificate-re-issuance
For any other details call us at:
011-473 44 723 or email us at info@vskills.in
* - Price may change without prior notice, refer to Vskills website.