Table of Content
Versioning Basics
- What Is a Versioning System?
- CVS in the Field
CVS Basics
- Installing CVS
- Building Your First Repository
- Importing Projects
- Accessing Remote Repositories
- Checking Out Files
- Committing Changes
- Updating Sandboxes
- Adding Files
- Removing Files
- Tips
CVS Concepts
- General Information
- Sandboxes and Repositories
- Committing Changes to the Repository
- Checking File Status
- Updating the Sandbox Files from the Repository
- Adding Files to the Repository
- Removing Files from the Repository
- Moving Files or Directories
- Releasing a Sandbox
- Keywords
- Binary Files and Wrappers
- Specifying Default Command Options
Tagging and Branching
- Tagging
- Stickiness
- Branching
- Branching Strategies
Multiple Users
- Using Simultaneous Development
- Watching a File
- Reserving Files
- Comparing File Revisions
- Displaying Recent Changes
- Displaying File History
- Repository Management
- Creating a Repository
- Deleting a Repository
- Securing Your Projects
- Repository Structure
- Server Environment Variables
- Backing Up a Repository
- Editing a Repository
- Sandbox Structure
- Client Environment Variables
- Exit Status
- Project Management
- Creating a Project
- Distributing Files
- Running Scripts
- Interfacing with External Programs
- Tools
- Strategies and Practices
Remote Repositories
- Specifying Repository Paths
- The local Access Method
- The ext and server Access Methods
- The fork Access Method
- The gserver Access Method
- The kserver Access Method
- The pserver Access Method
- Using inetd with gserver, kserver, and pserver
- General Troubleshooting Techniques
- Connectivity Problems
- Filename Problems
- Line-Ending Problems
- Permission Problems
- Lock Files
Command Reference
- CVS Command-Line Options
- CVS Commands
Miscellaneous Topics Reference
- Administrative Files
- CVSROOT Variables
- Dates
- Environment Variables
- Keywords and Keyword Modes
- Pattern Matching
- Repository Access Methods
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