Course Outline
- Provides a brief overview about the performance appraisal system
- Explains the objectives and necessity of Performance Appraisal such as allocation of resources, reward for performance, fairness, training and development etc
- Describes the parameters for evaluating performance
- Explains the drawbacks of the performance appraisal system
- Describes about necessity of self-valuation
- Explains the traditional methods of performance appraisal such as ranking straight, paired ranking, comparing person to person, evaluation by employee cost etc
- Explains the modern methods of performance appraisal such as 360 degree feedback, MBO (Management by objective), Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), Appraisal by Rater concern, Human Value Accounting as Asset etc
- Explains the various factor affecting performance appraisal such as interpersonal-conflicts, emotional bias etc
- Understanding the moral and social responsibility as an appraiser
Process of Performance Appraisal
- Explains the need for understanding organizations expectations in terms of performance appraisal
- Explains the procedure of monitoring appraisal system
Performance Planning and Execution
- Provides a brief overview of the process involved in performance planning and execution
- Describes the steps involved in setting goal and objectives in the process performance of planning
- Describes the various parameters and tools involved in tracking employee's performance
- Explains the factors affecting motivation of employees performance
Job Structure
- Defines a job and the process involved in designing a job
- Explains the various factors to be considered while designing a job such as job specification, job description etc
- Explains the process involved in job analysis, job evaluation, job specialization
- Explains the concept of job rotation, job loading and the importance of job security
- Explains the concept of job enrichment, job enlargement, job sharing
- Explains the importance of job satisfaction
Performance Assessment and Review
- Explains the process involved in performance assessment
- Explains the various factors affecting the process of performance assessment such as reliability, validity etc
- Describes the steps involved in evaluating performance information
- Describes the process of performance rating and various errors in rating
- Explains the procedure of preparing appraisal report
- Describes the process involved in conducting review
- Describes the process of handling difficult situations such as silence, disagreement, excuses etc
- Explains the process of establishing a successful close
Performance Appraisal Form
- Defines the need and objectives of designing performance appraisal form.
- Explains the process involved in setting core competencies for the process of performance appraisal
- Explains the process involved in designing appraisal form and the elements to be considered
- Illustrates the process of assigning weights to each factor while assessing performance of the employees
- Describes the system of rating in the performance appraisal process
Interview Skills
- Describes the art of interviewing and the techniques for conducting appraisal interview
- Describes the types of interviews conducted for the purpose of appraisal such as competency based interview, annual review interview, behavioral interview, exit interview etc
- Explains the methods involved in role profiling
- Describes the various techniques of feedback
Performance based Compensation
- Explains the compensation theory and the different modes of compensation
- Describes the wage policy in India
- Illustrates the process of designing pay packages and their formulation
- Illustrates the various determinants of pay decision
- Explains the concept of wage such as minimum wage, fair wage, living wage etc
- Describes the compensation structure in terms of performance and competence related pay and comparison between the two approaches
Performance Counseling
- Explains the need for counseling and the counseling pattern
- Describes the need for developing effective counseling skills and conducting successful counseling session
- Explains the different types of tools used for the purpose of counseling
- Explains the need for understanding desired and actual performance
- Explains the various factors affecting individual's development and necessary steps for overcoming such problems
- Explains the steps involved in preparing development plans
- Explains the need for understanding responsibilities as a management and employee
- Explains the need for appraising performance and the steps in conducting appraisal discussion
- Describes the process of appreciation and criticism in performance counseling
Human Resource Management (HRM) System
- Explains the elements of HRM System
- Describes the practices of HRM systems
- Explains the HRM strategies and control variables
- Explains the Pay/Organization structure in HRM system
Leadership and Motivation
- Explains the importance of classifying needs of the employees and Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
- Explains the process of need prioritization and the theory of two-factor theory of motivation
- Explains the different styles of leadership and their attributes
- Describes the various characteristics of a good leader
Effective Communication
- Describes the communication process and their technical aspects
- Explains the barriers in communication process
- Explains the techniques to avoid communication failures
- Explains the techniques for effective communication
- Explains the communication usage at workplace
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