Certified MongoDB Professional Course Outline

Course Outline



  • Explaining the evolution of MongoDB: Understand the history and development of MongoDB as a NoSQL database.
  • Illustrating the need for document-oriented databases: Learn why document-based storage is preferred over relational databases in modern applications.


  • Describing documents, collections, and shell in MongoDB: Explore MongoDB’s fundamental structures and its interactive shell for database management.
  • Detailing the various data types of MongoDB: Learn about different data types, including strings, numbers, arrays, and embedded documents.


  • Illustrating the requirements for installation: Understand the system prerequisites and dependencies required to install MongoDB.
  • Describing the installation of MongoDB: Step-by-step guide to installing and setting up MongoDB on various operating systems.

Data Management

  • Describing the creation, deletion, and update of documents: Learn CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in MongoDB.
  • Illustrating the techniques for data querying and indexing: Understand how to efficiently retrieve data using queries and indexes.
  • Detailing the usage of mapreduce and aggregation: Learn how to perform complex data analysis and transformation using aggregation pipelines.
  • Explaining the utility of DBRef, db.eval, GridFS, and capped collections in MongoDB: Explore advanced features such as database references, evaluation functions, file storage, and fixed-size collections.


  • Explaining the execution and halting of MongoDB’s instance: Learn how to start, stop, and manage MongoDB processes.
  • Describing the usage of admin interface and serverStatus: Understand MongoDB’s built-in administrative tools and status monitoring.
  • Illustrating the techniques for implementing security: Learn best practices for securing MongoDB databases, including authentication and authorization.
  • Detailing data backup, replication, and repair in MongoDB: Explore strategies for data redundancy, backup, and disaster recovery.


  • Detailing the process of autosharding and concept of shard keys: Understand how MongoDB distributes large datasets across multiple servers for scalability.
  • Describing configuration and administration of sharding in MongoDB: Learn how to configure, manage, and optimize sharded clusters for high availability.

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