Certified International Logistics Management Learning Resources

Learning Resources


  • Concept of Logistics
  • Objectives of Logistics Management
  • General Structure and Elements of Logistics
  • Forms of Logistics Management
  • Costs in Logistics
  • Understanding Development of International Logistics
  • Chain of International Trade Logistics
  • Functions of International Logistics (Inbound and Outbound Functions)
  • Logistics Trade Requirement
  • P’s and R’s of Logistics Management
  • Logistics Management in Export Business
  • International Commercial Terms
  • Documentation for Export


  • Overview of Transportation Industry
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Transportation Management
  • Freight Rate or Transportation Pricing
  • Communication and Transport
  • Transport Energy and the Environment
  • Energy Consumption

Surface Transport

  • Road Freight Transport
  • International Road Freight
  • Types of Road Freight Transport
  • Vehicle Selection and Acquisition
  • Freight Costing
  • Freight Routing and Scheduling
  • Vehicle Fleets Assessments
  • Factors Affecting Vehicle Utilization
  • Motor Vehicles Act 1988
  • Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989
  • Carriers Act 1865
  • Rail Transport
  • Railways Act 1989
  • Intermodal Transport

Sea Transport

  • Ocean Shipping Methods
  • Formalities of Shipping
  • Stowage
  • Types of Ships
  • Shipping Intermediaries
  • Important Sea Routes
  • Major Ports of India
  • Shipping Corporation of India
  • Ocean Freight Documentation
  • International Chamber of Shipping
  • Indian National Ship Owners’ Association
  • The Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
  • The Major Port Trusts Act, 1963

Ocean Freight Rates

  • Freight Rate Principles
  • Types of Freight Rates
  • Freight Surcharges and Rebates
  • Liner Freight Rebate System
  • Baltic Freight Index
  • Contract of Affreightment
  • Freight Brokers and Freight Forwarders
  • Freight Rate Calculation


  • Classification of Containers
  • Arrangement of Containers
  • Container Sizes
  • Packaging of Cargo in Container
  • Precaution and Safety of Cargo on Container
  • Movement of Containers
  • Container Handling
  • Safety Measures of Container ships
  • Container Leasing
  • Markings on Containers
  • Recent Trends – Coltainer and Cargosprinter

Inland Container Depots (ICD) and Container Freight Stations (CFS)

  • Role and Functions of ICD
  • Prerequisite for Successful ICD/CFS
  • Procedure for Approval and Implementation
  • Export and Import Clearance at ICD
  • CONCOR – Container Corporation of India

Airline Transport

  • Infrastructure for Air Transportation
  • International Air Transport
  • Benefits of Airfreight
  • Classifications of Airports
  • Types of Aircraft
  • Unit Load Devices
  • Dimensions of Aircraft
  • Air Cargo Industry
  • Role of the TIACA (The International Air Cargo Association)
  • Methods of Air Freight Calculations

International Logistics for Export Product Movement

  • What is International Logistics
  • International Freight Mode Selection
  • International Transaction Channel Activities
  • International Distribution Channel
  • Movement of Goods through the Distribution Channel
  • Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Integrated Logistics

  • What is Integrated Logistics
  • Need for Integrated Logistics
  • Direct Product Profitability
  • Distribution Requirements Planning
  • Just-in-time (JIT)
  • Warehouse Management

Future Developments

  • E-Commerce
  • E-procurement
  • Big Data
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Automation and AI
  • Warehouse Automation

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