Learning Resources
Customizing Links
If you want to change the link color on your page, you will need to begin by finding the tag. Now look for a command after the word body that says link="color". It would look like this:
Or the tag might have some other commands as well:
You may also just have the word body with nothing else there. If so, add the command after the word body, with a space between the two, like this:
So, if you would like to change the link color to red, you would type the following:
Or using the hex code:
Now, all the links on your page will be colored red rather than blue. You can also do the same things for active and visited links by adding or editing their commands. The commands are:
alink="color" For the active link color
vlink="color" For the visited link color
You might have:
To change the other colors, do the same as you did for the link color. If you need to add the commands, go ahead. Just place a space between each command, and add your colors!