Why should I take this certification?
Vskills HBase certification is designed to teach you about HBase NoSQL database that runs on top of Hadoop & to enable you to apply it to store Big Data. Practical aspects of HBase are setting up distributed HBase cluster, integrating HBase and Hive, Processing HBase data using MapReduce, filtering, data modelling etc.
Learn & Study
- NoSQL database concepts & data modelling
- HBase architecture & deployment
- HBase APIs
- Map reduce
- HBase administration- deploying, managing & monitoring the cluster
How will I benefit from this certification?
This certification will teach you the basic concepts of Hbase including its features, architecture & data model. You will learn to install, configure, and monitor Hbase. This certification is well suited for big data developers, software developers & analytics professionals. Learning Hbase will help you to become an expert in data management. In this certification you will learn to create database and how to insert, delete & update data.
HBase Professional Table of Contents
HBase Professional Tutorial
HBase Professional Sample Questions
HBase Professional Mock Test
HBase Interview Questions
HBase Course Outline
Companies that hire HBase Professional
Vskills Certified candidates will find employment opportunities in Top Companies like Sapient Consulting Pvt Ltd, Capgemini, Accenture, Tech Mahindra, Hewitt, IBM, Dell, Cognizant, HP, Mindtree etc.

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HBase Introduction
- History
- Need for Non-relational Databases
- Components
- Requirements and installing on linux
- Standalone and distributed modes
- Configuring and deploying
- Cluster install and configure
- Put, get and delete method
- Scans Technique
- Filters class and types (comparison, dedicated and decorating)
- Counter and coprocessor class implementation
- HTablePool class and connection handling
- Access by Avro, thrift and REST
- Schema definition and HBaseAdmin
- Task and node management in cluster
- Data import and export
- Cluster monitoring using metrics
- Metrics usage in JMX, ganglia or nagios
- Backup and Security
- Compression
- Splits and compaction optimizing techniques
- Load testing, fault tolerance and load balancing
HBase Introduction
- Evolution of HBase database
- Explaining the need for Non-relational Databases
- Illustrating the various components of HBase
- Detailing the requirements and installation procedure on Linux
- Describing the standalone and distributed modes of HBase
- Elucidating the various configuration options and deployment
- Explaining the procedure to install cluster and configure it.
- Illustrating the put, get and delete method
- Explaining the scans technique and it’s usage
- Describing the filters class and their types (comparison, dedicated and decorating)
- Detailing the implementation of counter and coprocessor class
- Detailing the HTablePool class and connection handling in HBase
- Configuring and implementing client access by Avro, thrift and REST
- Detailing schema definition and usage of HBaseAdmin
- Explaining process to add or remove node and task in cluster
- Implementing import and export of block and bulk data and replication
- Describing the various metrics used for cluster monitoring
- Usage of metrics with monitoring tools (JMX, ganglia or nagios) and implementation
- Detailing data backup and security
- Illustrating map/reduce and need for integration
- Implementation by classes
- Detailing the need and implementation of compression with different codecs
- Describing the various optimizing techniques for splits and compaction
- Explaining load testing, fault tolerance and load balancing