Sample Questions
1. You cannot close MS Excel application by?
A. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu
B. Press Alt+F4
C. Click X button on title bar
D. From File menu choose Close submenu
2. Spelling tool in MS Excel is used for?
A. Spelling suggestions
B. Grammar options
C. Synonyms and Antonyms words
D. All of above
3. Excel files have extension?
D. None of above
4. The shortcut key to open find dialog box is?
A. Control + F
B. Control + L
C. Control + G
D. None of above
5. The shortcut key to access Open file dialog box is?
A. Control + F
B. Control + O
C. Control + G
D. None of above
Answers: 1 (D), 2 (A), 3 (A), 4 (A), 5 (B)
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