Business Accountancy is a very fast growing area of employment with great demand from small and medium industries sector. Vskills Certified Business Accountant record and analyze the financial information of the companies for which they work. They are usually part of executive and finance teams. Vskills Certified Business Accountants can find jobs in SMEs all over the country.
Why should I take this certification?
Business Accountant record and analyze the financial information of the companies. This certification will teach you essential accounting & financial tools to understand business & will take you through the building blocks of creating statements. In addition, this course will help you learn the tools to record and analyze the financial information of the companies.
- Learn necessary accounting concepts
- Taxation
- Banking & Finance
- Costing & Auditing
- Understand Investment & Financial Market
- GST (Goods and Services Tax)
How will I benefit from taking this certification?
A Career in business accounting offers a variety of areas to specialize in and a wide variety of job opportunities. It also gives you the option to try different things. Business accountants are always in demand as almost every company needs a business accountant. Business accountants will find opportunities for employment in both the government and private sectors.
As a business accountant, you also have the option of starting your own business. This is one of the reasons that many become business accountants because there’s a great deal of flexibility.
Suggested Courses
Business Accountant Table of Content
Business Accountant Tutorial
Business Accountant Sample Questions
Business Accountant Practice Test
Business Accountant Interview Questions
Business Accountant Course Outline
Companies that hire Business Accountants
All small and medium enterprise companies need a business accountant. There are more Accountant jobs opening up in the economy on a regular basis with the fast growth of the country. Some of the popular recruiters for Business Accountants are Accenture, Adonis Staff Services, PwC, E&Y, Deloitte etc.

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Business Accountant Jobs
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Business Accountant Internships
Vskills runs its flagship internship programme where bright interns work with academic council, click to know more details..
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- Meaning of Accounting
- Basics of Bookkeeping and Accounting
- Accounting Concepts and Principles
- Branches of Accounting
- Classification of Expense, Income, Assets and Liabilities
- Financial Statements
- Systems of Accounting
- Source Document
- Journal
- Ledger
- Trial Balance
- Subsidiary Books
- Types of Subsidiary Books
- Journal Proper
- Cash Book
- Bank Pass Book
- Petty Cash Book
- Imprest system
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Rectification of Errors
- Suspense Account
- Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure
- Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
- Depreciation
- Company Final Accounts
- Shares
- Terminologies
- Residential Status of an entity
- Income Tax Liability
- Computation of Total Income
- Heads of Income Tax
- Taxability of Income
- Income under House and Property
- Deductions from Gross Total Income
- Income from other source
- Advance Tax
- Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)
- Introduction
- Banking Acts and Regulations
- Types of Banks
- Services offered by a Bank
- Deposit Products
- Mortgage and Loans
- Banking Instruments
- Clearing House
- MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
- ATM – Automated Teller Machine
- Electronic Banking
- Corporate Banking
- Telebanking/Telephone Banking
- Voice-Mail Facility
- Plastic Money
- Loan Scheduling and Development
- Introduction to Costing
- Concept of Cost Accounting
- Material / Inventory
- Activity Based Costing (ABC)
- Marginal Costing/ Break Even Analysis
- Variance Analysis
- Introduction to Auditing
- Book-keeping, Accountancy and Auditing
- Advantages of Auditing
- Limitations of Auditing
- Purpose of Audit
- Types of Audit
- Vouching
- Verification of Assets and Liabilities
- Valuation
- Investment Market and its operation
- Risk and Return
- Financial Market, Participants and Instruments
- Security Market and Emerging Trends
- Company Capital/Shares
- Portfolio Management
- Bonds and Debentures
- Derivatives
- Hedging
- Depository
- Dematerialisation and Rematerialisation
- Mutual Funds
- Stock Exchange/Screen Based Trading
- Investors Protection, Grievance, and Education
- Time Value Money
- Ratio Analysis
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
- What is Direct and Indirect Tax
- What is GST
- Why GST
- GST Model
- IGST Method
- GST Terms
- Taxable Event
- Threshold Limits
- GST Exempt Supply
- Input Tax Credit
- Electronic Ledger
- GST Input Tax Credit (ITC)
- GST Composition Scheme or Levy
- Reverse Charge
- Input Service Distributor (ISD)
- GST Supply
- GST Value of Supply
- GST Time of Supply
- GST Place of Supply
- GST Compliance Rating
- GST Registration
- GST Registration Forms
- Casual Registration
- Non-Resident Person
- Deemed Registration
- Voluntary GST Registration
- Amendment to GST Registration
- GSTIN Cancellation and Revocation
- HSN Codes
- GST Invoicing
- GST Bill of Supply
- GST Supplementary and Revised Invoices
- GST Return
- GSTN Dashboard
- Return Filing on GSTN
- GST Valuation
Meaning And Scope Of Accounting
- Understand the Meaning and scope of Accounting
- Explains the basics concepts of Bookkeeping and Accounting
- Understand the Concepts and Principles of Accounting
- Explains about the Branches of Accounting and there applications
- Explain the Classification of Expense, Income, Assets and Liabilities
- Explains the various financial statements used in the accounting system
- Brief on the structure of accounting system
- Describes about the source documents used
- Explains the methodology of journalizing, the type of entries recorded in the journal and the advantages of journalizing.
- Understand the type of ledger accounts that can be maintained, procedure of posting ledger and how the accounts are balanced after posting
- Describes about the objectives, methodology and drawbacks of preparing trial balance
- Introduction to the types of subsidiary books, advantages of preparing a subsidiary
- Describes the types of Subsidiary Books such as purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book, bills receivable book and bills payable book
- Explains the concepts of Journal Proper i.e., how to pass an opening entry, transfer entry, adjusting entries and entries with rare transactions.
- Distinction between cash and non-cash transactions and the documents required to be maintained in a cash book
- Explains the types of cash books such as single column, double column and triple column cash book and provides with the rules and procedures of posting entries in these different types of cash book.
- Describes the Imprest system and the procedure of maintaining a Petty Cash Book
- Explains the causes of difference between the bank statements and cash book maintained, need and practice of maintaining Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Describes the types of accounting errors and the various stages of rectification of these accounting errors
- Explains the need for maintaining a suspense account and the procedure of disposal of suspense account
- Describes the types of capital and revenue expenditure incurred and distinction between capital and revenue expenditure.
- Describes the types of Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts distinction between capital and revenue receipt.
- Explains the characteristics and objectives of charging depreciation
- Understand the causes of depreciation and explain the various methods of charging depreciation
- Explains the characteristics of a company and elaborates on the classification of companies on the basis of liability, number of members
- Provides details about the documents required to be filed in the formation of a company.
- Understand the types of shares issued by a company
- Gives details on the guidelines issued by SEBI on issue of shares to raise capital
- Explains the procedure of issue of shares and the treatment in case of over-subscription and under-subscription of shares
- Describes the conditions of forfeiture and surrender of shares and the procedure of re-issue of forfeited shares
- Explains the conditions and process of redemption of preference shares,
- Explains the guidelines for issue of bonus shares and the procedure of buy-back securities
- Understand the basic terminologies used in taxation
- Explains the income tax liability depending on the Residential Status of an entity such as an individual, an association of persons, a company, every other person and Hindu Undivided Family (HUF).
- Explains the classification of liability of income tax depending on Indian and Foreign income.
- Explains the procedure of Computation of Total Income
- Describes the five heads under which Income Tax is charged such as Income from salary, Income from house and property, Income from capital gains and Income from other sources
- Details of the mathematical computation of tax liability
- Describes the Taxability of Income under Partnership firm, Domestic company and Foreign company
- Elaborates the various deductions applicable from Gross Total Income such as Section 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD, 80D, 80DD, 80DDB, 80E, 80G, 80GG, 80GGA, 80GGC, 80QQB, 80RRB, 80U.
- Explain the concepts of Advance Tax and the section that are applicable
- Understand the concept and the procedure of application of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) under different circumstances
- Gives details on the various types of assets that are subject to wealth tax and the assets that are exempted from wealth tax.
- Explains the procedure of filing return and the process of payment of wealth tax
- Explains the concepts and statutory provisions of service Tax in India
- Understand the general provisions of VAT, different stages of application of VAT and the method of calculation of VAT.
- Describe the new CENVAT scheme, the types of input and output services
- Provides details about the documents on the basis of which CENVAT credit can be availed and the penalty with respect to wrong availment of CENVAT credit
Banking & Finance
- Describes the present system of banking with respect to the various banking Acts and regulations such as Banking regulation act, Reserve bank of India act
- Explains the categorization of Banks in the Indian banking system and the services that are offered by a bank
- Describes the various type of deposit products such as Demand deposit and Term deposit and their further categorization
- Explains the various type of business loans, procedure of taking a home loan, characteristics of a personal loan ad the documents required for applying consumer loans
- Give details on the various type of banking instruments, their provision and working such as deposit slips, cheque etc.
- Explains the clearing process, membership in a clearing house, settlement of funds, and return clearing
- Introduction to MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition and its advantages
- Understand the type of ATM facilities that are offered in general and its benefits
- Explains the benefits and limitations of Electronic Banking
- Explain the concept of Tele-banking/Telephone Banking and voice-mail services offered
- Understand the usage, benefits and limitation of plastic money such as Debit card and Credit card
- Understand the Loan Scheduling and Development procedure and elaboration on presentation of a loan
Costing & Auditing
- Introduction to Costing
- Explains the Concept and the primary features of Cost Accounting
- Explains the type of Material / Inventory, motives of holding inventory, types of cost incurred in maintaining inventory and the factors affecting the level of stock
- Explain the various methods of material valuation, describes the various methods of remuneration and the steps for setting up an incentive scheme
- Understand concept of Activity Based Costing (ABC) and the ABC modeling
- Explains the concept of Marginal Costing/ Break Even Analysis and distinguish between marginal costing and absorption costing
- Understand the theory of Variance Analysis and explains the types of variances such as Material variance, Labour variance, Overheads variance and Sales variance
- Introduction to Auditing, steps involved in auditing, need of auditing
- Understand the objectives and purpose of auditing, describes the qualities of an auditor
- Distinction between accountancy and auditing
- Distinction between investigation and auditing
- Describes the advantages and limitations of auditing
- Explains the different types of Audits
- Explain the concept of Vouching, objectives of vouching , techniques of vouching, need of a voucher and inspection of a voucher
- Explains the procedure involved in vouching of cash sales
- Understand the concept of Verification of Assets and Liabilities
- Introduction to valuation of assets depending on their classification and the responsibility of an auditor in valuation of assets
Investment & Financial Market
- Understand the Investment environment, investment process, motives of investment and the various factors of sound investment
- Classification and distinction between different investment activities
- Explains the concept of risk and return when investing in financial market
- Understand the current financial system, classification of Financial markets, members in the financial market and the various financial instruments used in the Financial Market
- Describes the Security Market and Emerging Trends, methods of issuing securities (Public issue through prospectus, offer for sale, private placement, offer through book-building process
- Understand the working of the primary market, methods of issuing securities in primary market
- Explains the process of Initial Public Offer (IPO), method of applying IPO, allotment of shares in IPO sales
- Understand the working of the secondary market, listing and delisting of securities
- Understand the distribution of Capital/Shares in an organization
- Understand the procedure of Portfolio Management, need and benefits of diversification
- Explain the various Debt instruments issued in the financial market and its features
- Describes the issue of Bonds and Debentures under primary and secondary market
- Explains the characteristics and features of derivatives
- Understand the functioning of the various types of financial derivatives such as forwards, futures, options and swaps
- Explains the need and principles of Hedging
- Describes the need of a depository, services offered by a depository and the constituents of the depository system
- Explains the concept and need for Dematerialisation and Rematerialisation
- Understand the benefits of investing in mutual funds, procedure of setting-up a mutual fund, types of mutual funds and the performance evaluation of mutual funds
- Understanding the different types of stock exchange, explains the trading system of NSE (NEAT )
- Describes the drawback of not trading on a recognized stock exchange
- Explains the concept of foreign capital issuance and explains the functioning of ADR, ADS and GDR
- Explains the guidelines issued by SEBI to for Investors Protection, the procedure to resolve the investors grievance and educating the investor about its rights and responsibilities
- Understand the various compounding techniques to evaluate present and future value of money
- Explains the procedure of evaluating financial accounting ratios such as liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, profitability ratios and market value ratios.