Your Thoughts Become Things!!
Why do we have a life? What is the reason of our existence? Are we here only to suffer and endure the sin of ‘Adam’? Or God is planning something unusual for us or have given chance to us by our guardian angel to correct the sin of our forefather? Can we manage the ups and down in our life well? If something bad happens we say it’s our destiny; but is it really so? Or it’s something that may be we are not aware of?
Questions are many but answers are few. The answer lies in the simplest question: can we keep it simple? Most of us don’t understand the significance of word ‘simple’. Have you ever wondered why we blame our destiny or luck if something wrong happen to us?
In reality, there are no accidents and bad lucks. These are all just the framework of our mind and hence, this where the necessity of positive thinking arises. The prominent writer Rhonda Byrne writes,” your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts”. This is absolutely right. As long as your are blessed with positive thoughts till then you will have a very lightened and relieved life, but once the devil(negativity) pay for your thoughts then it will definitely digs a pit for you .
Even, many philosophers feel that mind is a like a magnet, emitting and receiving frequencies to and from the universe. ‘Mind’ has the power to fulfill your each and every desire- to buy a new house or a car, or to be rich, it will come to you if you know how to control your mind. In additional to this, too many negative thoughts can put you in the path of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. Have you imagined is there really a need to let these complications enter our mind? Impatiently, the answer is no undoubtedly. Then why, we are unnecessarily overburdening our mind with such negative and unfavorable thoughts when there is no need of it. Remember “Life is too short to handle; though live each and every second of your lifelike a festival”.
“And always keep in mind that the unseen enemy is always the most fearsome. So think positive, avoid over thinking and jealousy and live in peace and harmony.”
“ Think Positive, Feel Positive, Live Positive!!”
46 Comments. Leave new
rly inspiring words..???
thank you 🙂
Quite intriguing article
thank you so much
Thats the reason we should always think positive. Nice article 🙂
thank you so much 🙂
a very positive article…with a positive thinking and words..
thank you so much 🙂
Thoughts do shape our path. Nicely written.
Thank you so much 🙂
well written
Thank you so much 🙂
There is a difference between our mind and brain.
While ,working of a brain is a biological concept , on the other hand , working of mind and soul is a spiritual concept.
The best way to tame our mind is meditation. Reason being that our mind is like a wild untamed horse which needs to be domesticated and controlled.
Meditation helps the mind focus on positive and important things thereby converging our inner energy towards constructive activities.
I am totally agree with you. meditation is the best policy that help us to think positive and converge our energy towards constructive work!!
And thankyou so much for reading my article!!
I agree with you completely. meditation is the best policy that help us to think positive and converge our energy towards constructive work!!
And thankyou so much for reading my article!!
Good article
Thank you so much 🙂
Inspiring. Well written.
Thank you so much 🙂
this article unfurls the philiosiphical side in us all
True indeed!! And thanku so much for reading my article..
Motivating words 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂
Well written!
thank you
interesting article 🙂
thank you
Amazing work. I totally agree with you. I too believe in hardwork and positive thinking. 🙂
true,hard work and positive thinking leads us to the path of success..
thank you for reading my article.
Nicely Written 😀
thank you
Good Work 😀
thank you
Such an inspiring article.. Indeed people these days have become very negative.. They fear things a lot.. We must concentrate on our present and make the most of it.
Feeling so positive after reading this!
Thank you☺
Nice article.
Really inspirational words!
Very well written!
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liked the article very much…
very much inspiring also 🙂
Nice work!
Well written.
Very well executed! 🙂
A must read !
Pretty intriguing.. Good work!