Working in an HR department is a challenging job!

Working in an HR department is a challenging job!

People might think that people working in this department has the least of the works to do. But actually what an HR employee does is a challenging work to do. We shall discuss some of the key roles of an HR employee.

a) Trying and maintaining a healthy relationship amongst employees: First let us know something about Office politics. It is where employees just try to be in the good books of the boss and don’t bother about the organization. Employees sometimes tend to do this to gain authority, and mostly follow the wrong and unhealthy way for this. This is Office Politics. This is a very tough work to do in itself. HR people make sure that there is no office politics existing in the organization, because office politics is something very unhealthy for an organization. It can kill the development of the organization. And the butchers are none other than the employees themselves. It ruins the working environment and create negative vibrations everywhere. So, the eradication of this termite is done by HR employees.

b) Welfare of the employees: Coming at sharp at 9, working till 5:30 (that too daily), makes it little monotonous and employees, even if they are willing to, are not able to perform efficiently. Their passion more or less turns into a burden. And this way the organization cannot head towards development, where the employees do not work because they want to, but they work because they have to!! And here, comes the role of HR employees, they take care of the welfare thing of the employees. So, that they actually get to do something different other than the daily work. They organize picnics, various competitions for the employees etc., so that the employees learn the importance of the team work and do the same work with great enthusiasm. Therefore, this is also a very important work to do!!

There are many more jobs of HR employees, which I’ll come up with in the next article!! Till then please let me know how much you liked it! Open for feedback. Cheers HR!! Have a tintinnabulating day.

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