Work- life balance means securing a balance between work ( and ambition) and lifestyle (i.e. health, pleasure, leisure, family). In other words, an employee should be able to devote sufficient time to his personal life besides performing his clerical duties.
In our daily life, we meet many people who work five-six days a week and even on sundays as per their professional schedules and so have no time to pay to their personal life.
One should never get so busy in making a living that he forget to make a life. This indicates that there should be proper balance between the two
i.e. professional life and personal life.
Work-life balance does NOT mean the following-
1) work-life balance does not mean AN EQUAL BALANCE i.e. trying to schedule equal time for professional work and personal life is completely unrewarding and unreal. Life is and should be more mobile than this.
2) your best work-life balance will VARY over the time. The right balance which one made for today may not work for tomarrow. For example: the right balance for you when you are single may not remain same as you get married.
3) There is no perfect scheme of work-life balance which fits all. The work-life balance differs from person to person as we all possess different lives and different priorities.
The problem of work-life balance can be commonly seen in the case of ‘dual-career couple’. A dual career couple is one in which both the partners have professional duties at stake. This problem is rising as the trend of dual-career couple’ is increasing throughout the world. When both the members of a couple have professional issues at stake, their personal life will be complicated. Due to this, the modern employers have initiated some employees friendly schemes like flexible work-schedules, compressed work-weeks, employee counselling etc.
Work life balance should be a balance between Achievement and Enjoyment !

43 Comments. Leave new
Thanks vinita 🙂
Very inspirational 🙂
Well written.
Nice article
Yes it is jannat !
thanks for the comment 🙂
Thank you saumya and akanksha for appreciating it 🙂
Leaving Office on Time:
– Efficient
-Good Social Life
-Quality Family Life
Leaving Office Late:
-Inefficient & Incompetent
-No Social Life
-Less Family Life
Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you.
-A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
True lines karan..thanks for commenting 🙂
A work-life balance is a must.
Yes, true vidhushi 🙂
This is a nice article. I do know people who live in their office. I will definitely share it with them
Yes, do share this with them ..thanks for appreciating it 🙂
very nice
Thanks Vasundhra !
Very important part of life for sustaining a balanced one.
Truely said monika …thanks for commenting !
Nicely written.
Thanks megha !
this is a major problem with most of the people nowadays.And i think hedonism is the biggest culprit for this unbalance which people suffer from!
very nice!
True lines Aman !
Thanks for appreciating it megha !
Interesting 🙂
Thanks chandni !
A major problem to be handled the right way
Yes, true Ria..there should be proper balance between professional life and personal life !
Nice article.
Thanks Aayushi !
Interesting 😀
Yes, it is an interesting topic !
Thanks a lot anirudh 🙂
Striking a balance and prioritizing things will make life worth living and enjoyable.
Nicely written!
Very true Tarandeep !
Thanks a lot !
We should manage our time at work place as well as in personal life.great efforts.
Yes, fully agrees to you ..thanks a lot !
Nice article very informative and helpful !
Thanks a lot srishti !
Interesting it is..!
Good Job:)
Yes, Anjali
thanks for appreciating it !
Thanks Aradhana !
Very good, Shikha! Keep it up 🙂
Thanks a lot Shaily for appreciating it !
The topic is very unique
Nice artilce…loved it!!