As we all know India has become a 2 trillion-dollar economy and very soon it will meet the growth rate in two digits. India’s growth cannot be imagined without the existence of women entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a business tactic which leads to more people to be engaged in their work as a result of which they earn good money. This will eventually lead to more economically stable people in our country. Women entrepreneurs are even few in our country in spite of equal population of women. At international level, USA tops the list in the women entrepreneurs. But India is nowhere to be seen in this list. Firstly India lags because of equality gap between men and women. Women are considered as object rather than human being in major part of the country. Secondly women are not given freedom to choose the profession of their own choice. They are forced to remain within boundaries and to lead a simple and safe life. But in my viewpoint the women can get succeed if they have will power and instinct desire for their dreams. Women entrepreneurs can make a difference in the society and can achieve the top-level in their field. We can look at many examples from our society who achieved their dreams as well as served the society. Oprah Winfrey is one of them who struggled for her ambition. She faced rejection in the formative years of her career due to her black skin. Now she is the most admirable host in American T.V. history. She owns her radio channel and publishing house.
Every woman can successful like the lady described above. But while planning for entrepreneurship one keep in mind the following points:
• Identify your interest and attitude towards it.
• View the world through a different lens.
• Work in the simple but effective way.
• Don’t overestimate the job and underestimate yourself.
• Undergo a complete training program before starting anything big.
• Choose the best alternative among the available ones.
• In the first stage you can face loss or below average profits but don’t get panic.
• Be ready to change your mod-us operation according to the changing scenario.
I hope this article will help you to explore more things. Suggestions are always welcome.

34 Comments. Leave new
well written
Very thoughtful!
Very nice!
Efficiency and effectively go hand in hand.
We usually underestimate the power of women. Women entrepreneurship is a good example to tell people that women can do what they want.
Well written. Precise and inspiring.
Good choice of the topic!
Really very well written!
This thinking is what India is lacking,but i believe change is the start and we have started towards bringing that change.
Very thoughtful and positive.
Well Written
Nice work 😀
A very good and thought provoking article!
very good…inspiring one..
Practical enough.
well written and a very practical concept relevant in today’s life
A very good presentation!
Nice topic and well written 🙂
good work..nice article!!
Woman empowerment!
The steps given along with the article are very useful
change needs to happen…women need to be empowered….this can be a step towards it!
Nice work! I hope more and mire women are able to live their dreams..
Women entrepreneurs especially in our society need a lot of push and needs to be informed about the various schemes and beneifts that the government of india provides women entrepreneurs with. Nice article 🙂
Good efforts put
very nice article
ya nice topic. all women must get chance to do something their own, because they have always new ideas to make the work done, like our mother manages our house with full of courage.
That’s good, women entrepreneurship will not only help economically but also this will help the ladies gain their share in the society in terms of the status, and consequently the country will develop.
very well said!
Well said! And definitely the times are changing, the ritual of glass ceiling is breaking slowly. also the law of having one woman in the board of directors of a company is helping woman to prove their power which once they were denied of, he day is not far when women entrepreneurs will be at par with their male counterparts
Good article
Nice work
good one 🙂
As the time changes thinking of the people also changes , there were times when women were not even allowed to get out of their homes but now they are working across the world !
Loved this article 🙂