If we see the employment laws also known as labour laws have received negative response in recent years. There are some employers who have tried reducing the legal protection permitted to workers in the name of more profits. Since the labour laws were placed to protect the workers from any wrongdoing by their employers.

So, without these statutes the workers would be vulnerable to a several threats. The essential laws involve minimum wage, discrimination and workplace safety and health laws moreover worker’s child labour and compensation laws.
Employment laws preventing discrimination
To put a full stop on several forms of discrimination at workplace, labour laws were adopted. Resultant workers are currently being protected against discrimination at their workplace.
Across the Globe in western countries employees are being protected by these laws against discrimination based on- nationality, disabilities, race, religion and sex. Also, employees are protected against discrimination based on- age, genes and citizenship, etc. While most of the legal protection comes from both the state and the federal employment laws.
For instance: Discrimination can come in any/many forms. If an organization refuses to hire someone because of his/her age that can be a discrimination. Or if the organization refuses to promote or give appraisal because of their race or community can be the biggest discrimination factor. Also. if some company fires a person because of his/her religion then that is discrimination.
Employment laws and minimum wage
Before the minimum wage law came into existence, it was completely in the employer’s hands to decide on what an employee was paid. During recession many employers were paying wages that could not support a working man, let alone his family. The low wages were the reason why the minimum wages act came into existence in the year 1948. It also lays down provision for overtime wages. Also, there are certain penalties under this Act too for non-compliance of the provisions by the employer.
Workplace safety and health employment laws
Occupational Safety and Health Administration abbreviated as OSHA, is the entity that regulates workplace safety in the United States at the federal level. OSHA came into existence into 1970. Before OSHA, there were a multitude of local, state, and federal laws that regulated workplace safety and health issues.
However, the regulation and enforcement of these safety employment laws were spasmodic and lopsided. Workplace safety and health statutes cover a number of areas including unsafe working conditions, machinery, temperature extremes, noise levels, electrical hazards, and extreme vibrations. Workplace safety and health employment laws also cover repetitive work injuries, chemical hazards, biological hazards, and long work hours.
Workers’ compensation employment laws
In most states, employers of a certain size are obligated to carry workers’ compensation insurance. So, this insurance covers all the medical costs incurring of the workers’ injuries. Also, while the employee is recovering from the injury the insurance also provides a partial wage. In exchange for the protections of workers’ compensation, the employees have limited rights as far as suing their employer for negligence.
However, in some countries the law is a bit different in regards to workers’ compensation employment laws. So, there the employers have the option of not subscribing to workers’ compensation insurance laws. These non-subscribing employers surmise full risk for injuries sustained by their employees. So, if the employers do not provide compensation for injuries to the employee. Then the employees have full rights to sue their employers for compensation and negligence
Also, it involves compensation for occupational diseases i.e. the employment contracted diseases. Since the Act situates a detailed list of the persons falling under the category of ‘dependents’ and the method to calculate the compensation amount in different scenarios. Thus, the Act is a comprehensive legislation dealing with all the surfaces of compensation and the related issues.
Employment laws about child labour
Before the Great Recession, there were no laws in place to prevent the use of children in hazardous jobs. So, in hard economic times, children as young as five or six were being employed in very dangerous employment that adults were unsuited to perform. Many children were mutilated and injured as a result of that employment. In 1986 Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, was established the Fair Labour Standards came into law. Besides setting the national minimum wage, child labour statutes set forward minimum working requirements for children in most industries outside of agriculture.
Further, the Act also provides for the regulation of conditions of work of adolescents in such employment where they are allowed to work. These regulations are with respect to the holidays, working hours, health and safety. Moreover, the Act also situates penalties for not complying with the provisions of the Act.
Without employment law protections, workers in the world would be vulnerable to exploitation by their unsavoury employers. So, if you are an employer and have issues with your current or former employees.

Importance it holds:
- Firstly, improves industrial relation i.e. employee-employer relations and minimizes industrial disputes.
- Secondly prospects workers form exploitation by the employers or management
- Next, helps workers in getting fair wages
- Subsequently minimizes labour unrest
- Then, reduces conflicts and strikes etc.
- Also, ensures job security for workers
- Moreover, promotes welcome environment conditions in the industrial system
- And, fixes rest pauses and work hours etc.
- As well as provides compensation to workers, who are victims of accidents.
Principles of Industrial Legislation:
Industrial legislation based upon the following principles:
- Social justice:
Primarily establishing social justice is to protect those who can’t protect themselves is the first step. Therefore, the Industrial laws provide social justice to the workers. By ensuring suitable allocation of profits and benefits among the employer and their employees. Thus, providing better working conditions in the industry.
- Social equality/welfare:
Ensuring social welfare of workers, is another objective of labour law. These laws help in improvising the social status of the employees i.e. material and morale of the workers. By providing ample wages and safety measures. Thus, ensuring appropriate working hours and health facilities.
- National economy:
Another guiding principle of labour legislation is National economy. For the development of nation, it ensures normal growth of industry. Resultant increasing the efficiency of workers and satisfying their needs. Thus, efficient industry finally confers a lot to improve national economy.
- International uniformity:
In attaining international uniformity International Labour Organization (I.L.O.) has played a vital role.Thus, in respect of all labour matters it aims at securing minimum standard on uniform basis. By enforcing various industrial laws only then uniformity of standards can be maintained.
How to learn?
After reading all the benefits of labour laws, now the time is to learn them and acquire the relevant knowledge. So, here we have enlisted a few dimensions to help you improve your skills:
Online discussion forums
Internet is always there at rescue if there are no meet-ups being conducted near you then there are online communities with safe & welcoming environment that you may join and meet new people of your field and learn more about labour laws.
Social media
Social media always lead the trend, you can connect with professionals through websites sites, like- Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, etc. learn about their thoughts and techniques about labour laws. Social media is a place for discovering new things and for lively debates, because with social media you can interact with new people and their different opinions and approaches towards legal system. This can benefit you in practicing new approaches, research topics and also the format to present your ideas.
No wonder there are several certification bodies offering their courses for labour laws. You need to survey and research to find the best. Moreover there are top certification bodies like- Vskills- India’s largest certification body offering you Certified Labour Law Analyst course.This certification will teach you about labour laws. Thus, the certification examines the candidates on several areas in industrial relations, collective bargaining, trade unions, employee grievances, employers’ federation, discipline, industrial conflict, ILO, labour welfare and social security, etc.
Labour laws contribute to Business Success as a result create a peaceful relationship between employers and his employees. With this employer can work hand-in-hand with the business to achieve the desired company goals. With good working conditions, benefits/perks and rights, employees become more cheerful in their jobs. So, they become passionately positive about their prospects in the organizations.
Thus, this creates passionate employees who are proud to associate themselves with a business and even become the company’s greatest advocates.
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