WhatApp HR! What’s on your mind? : Social Networking

WhatsApp HR What’s on your mind Social Networking

We all know the basics about how social media has a deep rooted impact on the lives of adults, teens and kids and how it is slowly creeping up to the elderly too. It’s pretty obvious by the looks of it that an average 16-20 year old just cannot live without Instagram and we all know how kids of this generation glue to Facebook to have an edge over others, and who doesn’t have an embarrassing family group full of chain messages from uncles, aunties and even older relatives. But who knew that what was once meant for fun networking and hilarious memes would become an intricate string in the network of Human Resource Development.

As I received a new WhatsApp message from the company I am interning at, I realised that communication carriers have changed drastically. E-mails and letters have been limited to extremely professional and formal conversations and day to day messages are conveyed either on WhatsApp groups or text messages. This happened because of reliability, transparency and swiftness of message delivery. You can always see to it that the information is delivered to everyone intended and that it has been received.

Even bizarre is the formation of groups on these networking sites. Facebook groups are created to spread mass information throughout the enterprises’ staff. But now they’re actually a thing of the past, a new trend of wide scale public marketing and data distribution has come up and that is Facebook and Instagram pages. The more the number of likes and followers, the better the marketing strategies. Entrepreneurs are getting the most benefit out of this as sending page like request is a free publicizing tactic that is also highly effective.

With new apps and websites popping up and an ever increasing indulgence of public in these social networking websites, HR Department might save a lot of paper and ink. But beware loggers, your boss might be scrutinizing your posts. Guess who’s not getting promoted? 😉

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