Website Review
The purpose of website review is to know that the goals have been achieved by the website which you created. It is the basic step of a website development.In the first phase of the Development Cycle (Website Planning) we learned about SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. It is this review which helps the users get to know about their website and run it properly.
For example, you might have set goals to:
• Attract 25% more donations by 2010. It will help the developer to get funded.
• Improve the brand recognization among age of 25 to 30 year people.
You must now assess if these goals have been achieved and – most importantly – how the website contributed to them. To do so you need to examine how the website has been created and developed . These could include financial numbers, a survey of funders and website traffic. It is this review which helps the users get to know about their website and run it properly.
One way to find out is to conduct a SWOT analysis.
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is an appraisle method which helps the developer to know the sensitivity of the website. It helps to get to know about all the data and strategies to be included in website development. These are in 4 steps:
• Strengths: What are we good at, e.g. navigation, content, maintenance?
• Weaknesses: What should it be good at, but are not, e.g. maintenance, responding to feedback, writing good content? Generally one should remove out all the weaknesses in a website so as to make It perfect.
• Opportunities: What is happening outside the business that could prove beneficial to the website, e.g. growing broadband penetration? What all things are necessary for the website.
• Threats: What is happening outside the business that could undermine us, e.g. new security threats.

7 Comments. Leave new
Thanks for the updates 🙂
This is a really interesting section and well written as well.
Awesome Points 😀 ..
I is very important to take website review so as to know how far the website is successful !
good work
very well explained in points 🙂
great work
You can actually decipher everything through Google AdWords, it is necessary to apprise your self about the rankings of the websites, indeed very well written great efforts