The changing times requires HR professionals to shift their focus; where it was largely viewed as a cost centre. HR professionals need to be proactive in its bid to be recognised as a strategic partner. The answer to this can be obtained by reducing the overall cost of the organisation in terms of HR activities and investing smartly on processes which creates long term value for the organisation.
One of the very basic functions of the HR department is Hiring. Segregating hiring to its components gives us Recruitment, Selection, On boarding and Probation. From the time there is a vacancy in the organisation; technology will help you to understand which source has the best yield ratio and which candidates shall go through the next round of the process. HR personnel are involved with the advertisement process. Advertisements in the company`s social platform is a must in today`s internet world. Sourcing of passive candidates which can be defined as candidates who aren`t desperate for a job change, but are talented and looking for the right call is a very important aspect. These candidates which aren’t actively in the job market but can add immense value to an organisation can be sourced from social platforms like LinkedIn. Screening of candidates via the social platform can also be done. Though the job screening process via Facebook may inadvertently consists of personal moments of the candidate; other networking sites like Twitter, LinkedIn may be used to assess the interests. Legal complications can be avoided by researching about the candidate before extending an offer. The HR department will know better which information to look for than the line manager. Like for the post of a sales person; understanding the person better for his social networking skills can be a good indicator of his job success rate. Using the social media platform for on boarding can reduce the recruitment cost. Outsourcing the on boarding process to consultancy firms like Towers Perrin are practices nowadays where they focus on the on boarding of the selected candidate. The on boarding process is totally done by the consultant whereby it prepares the new employee about the organisational culture.
5 Comments. Leave new
Good work!
Excellent article..!
You said right! Social media plays a major role in hiring! Nowadays HR checks LinkedIn profiles before offering a job!
Nice article..
well said. recruiters check profiles specially Linkedin one.