Top Trends in Computer Science – Part 1

Top Trends in Computer Science – Part 1


As an individual with an aptitude and affinity for technology,you ought to keep yourself updated with the latest trends.

1. Emergence of Mobile Cloud

Mobile computing and cloud computing are heading towards a beautiful union and leading to the emergence of a mobile cloud providing a platform for unlimited computing resources.

How does that work?

Simple, While our mobiles are limited by their processing power, computational speeds etc. they are now using cloud resources for wuicker results and accurate data. This is being referred to as “Third Platform”

2. From Big Data to Extreme Data

With the amount of data present and continously adding to our never ending resources and storages big data seems like a small word!Extreme data is what we are heading towards. There is a ever growing need for better management,analysis and processing of this data. If you are considering a career as data scientist,there has never been a better time!

3. From Internet of Things to Web of Things

Drawing inspiration from resources seamlessly integrated into interconnected networks(Internet of Things) the web of things uses mobile devices and the ability of sensors to observe and monitor the environment for better coordination and processing of data in addition to transferring of data at a quicker pace.This will produce large amounts of data which will need intelligent solutions,better connectivity for linking the physical world with the resources of the web.

4. The 3D Revolution

Who wants a boring old printout now?

Everything is going to be in 3D!Or mostly!Extensive research is being done for developing technologies to create and realise new devices for a number of things from car parts to pizza!Advances in additive processes like 3D printing, and subtractive processes like laser cutting have increased the quality, speed, and ease of physical prototyping while simultaneously bringing down costs.

5. Supporting Learning Styles

These days anyone from anywhere can learn anything now!No literally!Online courses are emerging as an alternative to physical programs owing to their accesability, feasability and diversity. You can be a banker in the morning and an enthusiastic coder by night! Massive Online Open Courses(MOOC) re continuing to emerge and explode and the technology needed to support these are ever growing and ever needed.

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