Tobacco Addiction

Tobacco Addiction

A number of citizens suffer from a variety diseases that can be linked to tobacco addiction. In a recent check up camp organised by the Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPPA), 830 street children were examined and the following grim picture was established:

  • Children between the ages of seven to eight smoked bidis, older boys who were earning members , smoked cigarettes
  • Girls consumed supari or burnt tobacco powder
  • 87 children had already acquired pre- cancerous lesions
  • These substances are easily accessible , legal , and cost a mere Rs 2

But this trend is not only confined to any particular segment of the society. According to doctors, consumption of ‘gutkha’ and smoking is quite rampant amongst children from higher income groups

According to CPAA officials , consumption of gutkha has gone up considerably in the last few years. Since there is no restriction on the advertisements of this product , even during Ganesh festivals, companies producing gutkha sponser events and display huge ads.

Over 50 per cent of the people screened so far are addicted tobacco. The most common form of tobacco use is gutkha and chewing tobacco. Gutkha is being consumed by people of all ages , upto 22 times a day. The older the individual , the most popular chewing tobacco is.

Four million people die every year due to tabacco related causes and the facts and figures shows that if it continues then by the year 2030 , 10 million people will die every year of tobacco related causes. So its all in our hand whether to waste our precious life by the consumption of tobacco or to live a happy and gala life…decision lies on our part.!!!!

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