One of the key issues that set web writing apart from other writing is that in web writing you not only have to focus on your content but also on the design and structure of the page in question.Web writers have to consider non text elements creating a great impact on your website as the user experiences content and non content elements simultaneously.
Text,Design and format are fundamentally inseparable.the key is to
- write 50% less than print
- use list instead of paragraphs
- highlight and italic the content you want read
- keep the most important idea in the first paragraph
- use suggestive headings
- write scan able content
- be brief
- Avoid bureaucratic tone
- use two or three levels of headings
- split information into chunks
- each paragraph and page needs to be independent
16 Comments. Leave new
Nice article. This will help me in writing my articles here.
wonderfully described!!!
Well points are very good and i am sure they will help me write articles.
Well explained
nice work
HI ! Your work is appreciated. The blog basically focuses on how much importance must be given to the design and presentation by the web writers than any other. The blog is precise and clear.
Informative but too short..
Nice article
Extremely helpful article 🙂 Thankyou
woh!! thanxs the info!!! 🙂
Precise and helpful explanation!
Precise and helpful..
Nice Points 😀
very informative !
quite helpful !
Well Articulated 😉