Talent acquisition in start ups


A startup builds its brands through its intellectual capital. Right people paves way for good things in any company, more so in a start up where the situation is vague, things are volatile, policies aren’t made and the business model is in evolving. Most start ups ignore the need of a specific HR department and make it just an auxiliary function. Very few start ups think of actually having a dedicated HR team. This passage identifies what the start up founders should look at for talent acquisition.

For many startups that do not have external funding having an HR department, that is generally considered as a cost centre, itself is difficult. Even then, when a team is made, the first recruitment in the HR department should be that of a professional recruiter because hiring is the top priority.For a start up, it is imperative that each and every person who is recruited is talented and can produce results for the company. Having the right people from the beginning in terms of skill and attitude is of utmost importance. Start ups cannot afford cost ineffective recruits. A wrong hire would mean a futile investment because there is no time to mentor an employee, as performing on the job right from day one is an expectation. In a small organization, employees are accountable to not just to the founders, but to each other as well. A recruiter’s job here is twofold here: One, to find the right people and two, to inspire potential candidates to commit to an organization that is risky and not yet established in truest sense.Companies that do not have a dedicated HR team could end up recruiting a lot from referral channels as founder could have a propensity towards hiring family or friends to fill up the vacancies. Then comes negotiating the wage structure and communicating terms and conditions of employment in the best interest of both the parties which is the forte of HR.

Even though it is strongly recommended to have a separate HR team, wherever it is not possible, companies should look at people who can manage the image building and identification of right talent,lest they end up in more worries.


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6 Comments. Leave new

  • Well explained!

  • Kriti Sethi
    May 12, 2015 11:50 am

    Agree with you! For a business that is just sprouting, recruiting or acquiring the right people is even more important as that will determine the results to a great extent. Work force can make or break the organization!
    Well explained article! 😀

  • Akshita Bansal
    May 12, 2015 12:07 pm

    Good choice …nicely written

  • Shatakshi Bhargava
    May 26, 2015 3:08 pm

    Totally agreeing with you, HR department is a helping hand for a company to success. Now a days, the firms also outsource the HR functioning. It has helped a lot in image building of the firm. The blog is well written and clearly justifies the topic.

  • Padmaa Murugesan
    May 30, 2015 4:51 pm

    Good effort..!

  • Stephy Paul
    June 30, 2015 2:34 pm

    Good job..


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