Sustainable development and CSR


The development that meets the needs of the present generation as well as makes a base for of the future generations to meet their own needs is known as sustainable development. It contains two major key concepts: first is the concept of needs and the other one is limitations imposed by the new technology.

In today’s era corporates take sustainable development activities as a part of their profit making where in Corporate Social Responsibility focus on addressing socio-economic-environmental issues and concerns. In country like India there are many development issues. There is a lot to be done in the field of agriculture, soil conservation, education, human resources development, ground water table management, child labour, PWD etc. As India is a social country and also the corporates operating in are socially so people expect them to undertake these issues.

Across the world corporates are putting their maximum time, effort and investment in increasing their profits. It is natural that profit is the main motive of every organisation. But CSR is not an activity to be taken to maximise profits. It’s a legal and moral commitment of the organisation towards the environment.

Activities taken under CSR are obligations towards nation. But unfortunately CSR in the organisation remain neglected these days. They are making profits these days at the cost of environmental resources, culture and society. Corporates are non clear with the conceptual difference between CSR and sustainable development.

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