Stop Trying Too Hard…

Stop Trying Too Hard...

Stretching a rubber band beyond its elasticity or for that matter even filling air in a balloon beyond its normal expansion leads to the breakdown of the rubber band or the bursting of the balloon respectively.
Have you ever wondered as to why this happens?Having the best of everything in life is good but having it at the cost of not having that curl of the lip is not acceptable.
We all aim to reach that level of success in life beyond which no more growth is possible.But does that give you true happiness.To an extent you may get temporal joys but would that guarantee your faring in life as to be absolutely perfect!
The simple phenomena of dissolving sugar into water beyond its saturation level leaves the surplus sugar at the bottom.So is with us, the moment we start to over exert ourselves so much so that everything seems to be entangled and life becomes a struggle then!Things just start getting more and more complex.
Then why make it a struggle instead make it a ride and enjoy the goosebumps this very ride gives you.So why make our lives mere cobwebs.
All of us have different aims and aspirations in our lives but does it all boil down to the fact that we stretch ourselves so much so that it ultimately leads to our collapse or downfall.Now the point that we should put a hault to working hard is not meant here.Instead we should always think about this the other way.
Also the fact that then are short cuts the solution to this.Not at all.Life is all about balance.The minute you disturb its equilibrium you are lost.The fact to be paid heed to here is that don’t take things for granted.Work and even work hard but just don’t let this turn into something that disturbs your peace of mind.Nothing has ever been achieved in ideal conditions in life.Everything has ever been achieved in adverse conditions. But remember that beauty lies in that equal ease of working in those adverse conditions as well very smoothly.
So stop ‘SURVIVING’ under ever mounting pressure and start ‘LIVING’!

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