Selenium 4.11.0 Released with Exciting Features and Improvements!

We are thrilled for the release of Selenium 4.11.0, a major update that brings exciting enhancements and improvements to the world of automated testing. Selenium 4.11.0 is now available for Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript, as well as the Grid and Internet Explorer Driver. Whether you are a developer or a tester, this release has something for everyone!

What’s New in Selenium 4.11.0?

Let’s dive into the highlights of this release:

  1. Chrome DevTools Support:
    Now, Selenium 4.11.0 provides support for Chrome DevTools versions v113, v114, and v115. This empowers you with the latest debugging capabilities and ensures smoother testing experiences on Chrome. (Please note that Firefox still uses v85 for all versions.)
  2. Chrome for Testing (CfT) via Selenium Manager:
    One of the most exciting additions is the support for Chrome for Testing (CfT) through Selenium Manager. This opens up new possibilities for streamlined testing processes and enhances the overall efficiency of your testing workflows. To learn more about this feature, check out our new Selenium Manager features blog post.
  3. Improved Selenium Manager:
    Selenium Manager gets a boost in functionality with the ability to locate the browser driver binary on PATH or the configured path. It now also checks for potential incompatibilities and provides better warning and error messages, making your test setup and troubleshooting much smoother.
  4. Nightly Builds for Ruby and Java:
    To stay on the cutting edge, we are now pushing nightly builds for Ruby and Java. Developers using these languages can now enjoy access to the latest features and fixes before official releases. Support for other languages is also in the pipeline, so stay tuned!
  5. Enhanced IE Mode on Edge:
    A notable improvement is the window handle behavior in IE Mode on Edge. The update now ignores process id matches when finding the window handle, leading to a more robust testing experience.

Improvements for Each Language:

As always, Selenium is dedicated to providing language-specific improvements and features to cater to various developer communities. Here are some of the relevant enhancements for each language:


  • Make user-defined SlotMatcher used everywhere in Grid code.
  • Add support for FedCM commands.


  • BiDi Add Network module events


  • Implementation of event-wrapped shadow root element.
  • Allow setting a different pointer, keyboard, or wheel on the input device.
  • Add a move to location method to Actions.
  • Add support for Safari Technology Preview.
  • Fix an error when sending non-base64 data for the fetch command.
  • Fix the continueResponse method in CDP.


  • Removed redundant attributes capabilities and set_capability in wpewebkit/
  • Improve driver logging, implement log_output for flexibility and consistency of driver logging.
  • Let users pass service args to IE driver.
  • Expose WPEWebKitService and WebKitGTKService in the public API.
  • Remove deprecated ActionChains.scroll(…).
  • Add a creation flag for windows in selenium_manager.


  • Made network interception threads fail silently.
  • Remove deprecated code.

Upgrade Now and Embrace Seamless Testing!

With Selenium 4.11.0, automated testing becomes more efficient, powerful, and user-friendly. So, don’t wait! Upgrade now and take advantage of the latest features and enhancements to elevate your testing game. You can find the links to download the latest version on our downloads page.

We’d love to hear your feedback and experiences with Selenium 4.11.0. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and happy testing!

Download Selenium 4.11.0

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