Salary or Work?

Salary or Work

First job is very important for every person.Not because someone is going to earn money but because its a first step to a long professional journey. But the very question is how should one start their journey. Because its not ‘the starting point’, but ‘the path’, that decides the winner.

‘The Salary’ or ‘The Work’? This is a question which every fresher should think of at the time when he/she is looking for a job.

A good starting salary is the one everyone wants. But most of the time it may limit the chance to learn that in turns limit the chance to growth. Generally a good salary offering company are big companies. Big in manpower and big in resources. Such companies hire their employee for a certain task oriented work. A person working in task ‘A’ will have no idea about task ‘B’. And in the end a young dynamic person with lots of various skills and abilities finds themselves skilled in only one work like a well programmed robot.

On the other hand if the work culture of company is such that every employee is involved  or can have essence of all the sector of company will learn many skill in the same place and in very short span of time. And that will give a chance to identify the area one is good in and also the whole working strategy of company. One will have a good experience of corporate culture that will helps in their further professional career.

Since learning is an essential process of life, One should only look for that place where he/she can learn better.

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