Retirement Planning : Part 1


How can we describe retirement? It’s about having a choice to work or not. And this is only possible if one does not have any more debts and obligations & have accumulated enough savings. Many people feel that they would likely have to work beyond retirement age. Why is that so? We face many challenges. With inflation, have we considered if we have saved enough? What if we outlive our savings? Have we started saving too late?

Some people admit that they have not started saving for retirement. Some of the reasons usually cited, which contribute to this delay are:

  • trying to keep up with the rising cost of living,
  • buying a property,
  • saving for other higher priority goals like children’s education,
  • feeling that retirement is many years away or
  • being unemployed.

Other reasons why some people are unable to retire well are that they view retirement planning as having to make big sacrifices. Cutting down on expenses and cutting back on current lifestyle to save for retirement can be tough. This requires a lot of determination and discipline. Also, people may have started to save too late or saving too little. Also, perhaps, some people find it difficult to determine how and where to start. The bad news is that majority of future retirees may outlast their savings without proper planning. But a good news is that its never too late to fix the problem!

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