Regional Disparity In India

Regional Disparity In India


Regional disparity means wide difference in per capita income,literacy, health and education services,poverty, consumption per capita etc. It is considered to be one of the most important element of inclusive growth. Studies revealed that disparities increased in India for poverty,inequality,underweight children and infant mortality rate.

There need on the part of the government to formulate more policies which will reduce these regional disparities and promote economic and social development.

Emergence of this wide gap between the states is due to the fact that some states benifited from the reforms while others lacked behind, the reason could be initial level of social and economic infrastructure condusive to growth and partly in rate of capital formation both physical and human ential endowment explains only part of the reasons for regional disparity for example-south Indian states can do better than other poor states because of better infrastructure,fiscal management,investment in social sector and institution (government)

Role of central government is equally important in reducing regional disparity.central government along with planning commission(niti ayog) should help poorer states in getting investment for infrastructure and social sector.

There is need for decentralisation of power,functioning of finance is  to improve accountability and development. Most importantly governance has to be improved in poorer region

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