Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment refers o the process of identifying the need to employ and making suitable arrangements for selection in the organisation. Various authors have their own perception in defining recruitment . According to De Lenzo and Robbins ,’Recruitment is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organisational vacancies or from other perspective , it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs’.Similarly according to Plumbley ,’Recruitment is a matching process and the capacities and the inclination iof the candidates have to be matched against the demand and reward inherent in the given job or career pattern with the understanding of  these definitions we can a clear vision of what’RECRUITMENT’ actually  meant .

Next step after recruitment is ‘SELECTION PROCESS’ . Selection Process basically means choosing the suitable person from the pool of candidates who have applied for the job .According to Dale Yoder,’Selection is the process by which candidates for employment are devided into two classes those who will be offered employment and those who will not .Whereas from the point of view of M.J Jucious ‘the selection procedure i the system of functions and devices adopted in a given company for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not candidates possess the qualifications called for by , a specific job ‘. 

These two processes are often considered to be same but they do are quite different from each other.

Recruitment is a positive whereas selection is a negative process.

*Recruitment basically includes attracting applicants to apply for the job whereas selection includes rejecting the unsuitable and picking up  the suitable employees for the vacant post .

*We can also consider selection s a part of recruitment process as recruitment involves many activities whereas selection is just one activity .

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