It is an old saying ” Everything whatever we see is not true”.But some people believe that everything whatever the media reports is the truth because they have seen it with proof some of them were exaggerated but even then they believe on it just because they have seen it .
Most of the people believe media reports because people are under the impression that media as a whole is unbiased and bring out the truth in most of the events.In this context there is a old saying “without fire there will not be any smoke “.
Most people understand that there are some controversies are create only to gain TRP and some for entertainment purpose they are not in reality and even some news are exaggerated and nothing else.
Thus we can say its all about how human mind thinks? Some believe that media is unbiased because they are not the relative of those about whom they are creating news while other believe that it is just a source of latest updates ,so some people easily believe whatever media reports.

3 Comments. Leave new
I think much more can be written on this subject.
People are blindly reliant on these media reports and whatever they publish even recently it came under scrutiny that many of the channels and the newspapers are all being driven by some political parties or with the favouritism. Still people get fooled easily so many times rather relying on true facts and making strong judgments.
Nice article..!
Could’ve added more info.. nice topic