Organization Behavior
Organizational Behavior or OB is the study of human behavior in an organization and act as an interface between how a human behaves and how an organization works. It basically involves a fine understanding of how an individual delivers his services at the organization. Leadership and Motivation both forms a prime element of Organizational Behavior.. Everyone has their own definition of leadership, i.e. for one, being a leader is to have a hold on others and contrary to other leaders working together with employees defines leadership. On the other hand, Motivation in OB is a process of developing a long-lasting goal-oriented behavior among an individual. Such motivational activities are generally a consequence of unsatisfied needs of the customers. . Motivation in management always comes along with many conditions with it. In order to motivate an employee, they should be ensured that the work they are doing has a lot of importance in the organization and for this work they will be rewarded as well as will be treated fairly.
.Assets and Stumbling Blocks of Leadership and Motivation
Both the decisive elements of OB brings along with itself, its strength and weakness that culminates into a success story for an organization. An organization cannot solely work on the mere basis of either of the element. Both play an equal important role. The Cogency of this statement can be proved by discussing few pros and cons of these elements.
An organization led by a leader tends to develop more firm and enduring relations with their customers. A true leader often co-ordinates the available resources i.e. time, money and human resource. Leadership makes everything work seamlessly and effective leaders act as an invaluable source when it comes to formulate strategic plans for an organization. Trained leaders motivate the employees and create a dedicated working environment for achieving the company’s goal.
Along with myriads of assets, leadership has a downside too. In a leadership, the entire responsibility of an organization lies in the leader’s hands. Hence, he can’t simply walk away. Leadership often has a scary version when a leader tries to work with some untried paths. Leadership itself is a non-productive activity as leadership-training needs time to lead and instruct the ones hired and promises no returns.
In a similar way, motivation is to strengthen up a company. Hiring motivated employees is a cost-effective task as they work quicker by automating most of the crucial tasks and also incorporates their creativity in improvement-process of proposed ideas and strategies.. Hence, a motivated workforce eventually adds speed to the market. Demotivated employees are harmful for the organization as they affect the working of the enterprise.
.From the above discussion touching the various aspects of leadership and motivation, it could be straightforwardly concluded that both the elements are equally essential in Organizational Behavior. Excluding either of them would make the organization to collapse. A leader is incomplete without motivated employees and in the same way employees need an efficient leader to follow.
22 Comments. Leave new
Well described.
good job
Informative article
Great job!
Well presented!
well written!!
Good effort!
Good job
Good job!
Good job.
I am currently studying this and its so interesting. Thats the field I am going to pursue in future so for me atleast it was an article i loved to read 🙂
Great read!
Great efforts!
Good content and well written!
Yes, very well done..good leaders and motivated employees are equally important for a balanced approach towards work.
Well done!
Informative. Well presented.
Nicely described 🙂
Well written!
Well explained.
Well explained and written