Online job-search is turning out to be a popular search strategy in the job-seeker market. Online job-search is a convenient means of sharing your profile with the recruiter, but you must remember that this online process will only be effective if done correctly. A recruiter comes across thousands of resumes, so you must apply carefully and ensure that right message and information is conveyed at the right time.
Following are some guidelines that should be practiced when doing an online-job search
- While performing an online-job search it is crucial to narrow down your search so as to avoid scrolling down thousands of irrelevant jobs. Such as specifying criteria’s on city, functional area, employment type, etc.
- Most of you miss on using the appropriate resume keywords due to which the your resume gets overlooked and piles up in the database. The employer uses an applicant tracking system which looks for words that matches the specified job-description. So you must ensure that right keywords are used to display your skills and experience for a given profile.
- Do not use the same resume for all types of jobs as no two jobs are alike. You must customize your resume as per the company and industry profile.
- Once you have customized your resume and applied for the desired job do not hope to hear back from the company the next day, week or even month. Realistically, you won’t hear back from most employers. Online job-search is a modern day search technique and you must not get disheartened if you do not receive any revert, as it’s likely that your application might not get picked up by the tracking system or you were passed up for somebody more qualified.This is a part of the modern-day job search and is not a personal insult.
30 Comments. Leave new
Many people don’t give attention to these points, but it is very important.
Really helpful article.
Very informative and helpful post..!
Very very helpful tips.. Nice..
nice and very informative.
Essential one!
some good tips for job seekers!good work!
nice guidelines!
Very helpful. Can you tell us more on how to customize our resumes based on job profile?
very helpful article…..
Its good to read these tips. Thank you for explaining so well.
Essential tips..helpful article..
Nice work…very nice tips!
good work 🙂
Well done……
Very helpful!
Informative and good job done 🙂
Great! You have covered many important points 🙂
Intersting as well as informative 😀
well articulated
good one 🙂
Excellent tips for any jobseeker
nice work
very useful…..
Well written
Too useful…
Great tips!