The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, stretching in an area of 700 kilometres below the Bay of Bengal is one of the most strategically important locations of India. One of the Union Territories of the nation, its potential had always been considered as unexploited to its full degree until Narendra Modi stuck his eyes on this part of the country and aimed for its upliftment and overall expansion.
The first area where the expansion was aimed at was the Tourism Industry. Andaman and Nicobar Island are gifted with majestic scenic beauty and various natural tourist attractions. These inherent features and its exotic location give it the potential to attract a large number of tourists towards the archipelago.
The next area envisaged in this step is the expansion of trades in the islands. Apart from tourism that will enhance its credibility in terms of encouraging trade, Mr. Modi aims at expanding the industrial development in the archipelago. Due to abundant resources available in these islands, it would lead to proper utilisation of the available resources and thus encourage and promote trade.
The final area targeted through this initiative by The Prime Minister is that of development of the military base. Narendra Modi aims at expanding the military base of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Lying on a busy shipping route between mainland India and south-east Asia, they are seen as ideal for extending India’s economic and military reach.
This archipelago is mainly characterized by the tribe- Jarawas, with around being 400 in number and also the inhabitants of the islands for 55000 years. The basic line of thought involved in this step is to mainstream them so that they enjoy the fruits of the development. But, this has always been observed that, with the clash between the modern world and the tribal world, the tribals have suffered due to encroachment in their sphere of life.
27 Comments. Leave new
Some serious efforts can really help in development… 🙂 good work!
Very NYC article
Andaman expansion is important for India but it should be strategised in a way that does not affect the tribals living there. Interesting article!
Good Work 😀
nice! well written
well written.
great article!
Well done!
interesting and informative.
I believe that its strategic location can help the islands become a leading transshipment hub in the world!
The Andaman and Nicobar is truly a beautiful place and our government is doing a great job. I just wish the tribals shall not be sidelined in the process.
Very well written.
nice 🙂
Good work
Good Article
This is a good move taken by the Indian Government.
Good job modi! And well presented vinita 🙂
very informative article it is…
well organised article…
well written vinita 🙂
The efforts were initiated previously also, but after tsunami all stayed on paper. Now the Hon’ble PM of India again starting these things.Hearty congratulations to the Govt. and Hon’ble PM for taking the development and security seriously
Very well defined.
Good topic chosen.. nicely written
Good topic chosen.. well done
good efforts.
It is good that the govt is now expanding its interest to all parts of the country
worth reading…!!